User account for GTA Online on PC permanently blocked?


I had raised my rank with the help of a mod menu and transferred GTA money to my GTA account and was therefore banned forever.

Now my question is, how exactly was I banned? Does this only affect my Rockstar account or also my email address or does this ban even apply to the IP address of my laptop? I'm not interested in being able to play the game again in a moment, but I might want to play it again in 10 years. Hence my question.


As far as I know, your entire hardware ID has been banned.

This means that you can no longer play GTA on your PC.

I would put in a request for a ban and hope that it will be accepted.


Your account has just been blocked. So also your e-mail, because you can only have one account per email. You should still be able to play offline mode.


If you want to get a mod menu, please make sure that it is not older than a day, although a day could also be relatively old. Then you shouldn't be banned either


Completely wrong. Only the account is banned. You can of course play gta v online again with a new account!

Requests for a ban are pointless as decisions can't be reversed (the ban was not without reason)


If you have no idea please do not comment gta bans no Hwid


Please do not comment if you have no idea


Who says that I have no idea… As I wrote it, it is the maximum punishment (ban). There are also those that e.g. 1 year and more are not.


But he probably has a virus on pc now.


It was definitely a free mod menu 😂


Well, with free and paid, most of the programming skills are 0 xD


May be good, I can't judge myself.

Luna and Impulse are currently stinging, but I find out that they are not detected like most of the others.


Well there are apparently competent people behind but they have such great things inside that you don't want to have on your pc


That is something else again. Whereby with impulse, if only with the autoinjector, that's right?


Nope once i had a dump of impulse which was injected and there were also great things inside


How did you get it? During the days I tried to explore myself a bit, wanted to use wireshark to see where something is being downloaded, but they block that. Gta with imp closes instantly when wireshark is open ^^


Uff with wireshark ehm I could show you on discord if you like I still have n gta dump on the pc


With pleasure


Uff that's stupid of course. I guess that only your Rockstar account was banned. It would be illogical to ban your entire ip because it wouldn't make any profit. So, you are forced to create a new account. You could try to log into you with another account, for example from a colleague. Then you also have a clear answer.