Is it Discord?


I wanted to play Valorant with some friends yesterday. Since some have no microphone on the PC, we're together via discord (mobile)

However, one of us had really hard problems with discord. Whenever he was on the call, he had pinging swings between 700 and 1000 and was permanently blown out in the game.

As soon as he closed discord (also left the call) he had a normal 40s ping and could play normally.

His laptop is a lot of rubbish that's true 😅 but discord can't do so much performance🤔 who has any idea what's going on?


This has nothing to do with the performance of the laptop. His Internet is the problem, or at least what he gets from it. As soon as it sends or receives too much data, the "pipe" is quickly closed and the ping skyrockets.

And who the hell doesn't have a mic on the computer these days?


It's usually not because of the performance. If the Internet, i.e. The node, is used at its full capacity, each user is throttled. If someone wants to gamble with a game and discord, there can be very high latencies.

The other possibility would be that the WLAN module or the network adapter has a way.


Well… I don't understand it either… A mic is now not too blatant fire-man because you still do something about the internet?


You can only find out whether it is the Discord if you use Teamspeak as a comparison.

Since I hate Discord everything is up to me, no matter what! If someone has been flashed in the world, it's up to Discord.


Mhh maybe yes. For example, you could lower the voice quality (bit rate, codec). But whether that helps so much is questionable. Also nobody should stream in the channel, that would be the overkill for his line.

Another option would be to clamp the scrap top to a LAN cable. Most people have little idea of WLAN and squeeze the signal through 5 floors and 20 walls.

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