Gamer keyboard, which one?


I recently had an Alienware notebook. I was able to set the keyboard user-defined. The keyboard lighting was divided into 4 sections. (Number pad was a section.)

I was able to set which colors the section should have, whether there should be a color transition, if so in which color and how fast, flashing or flowing etc.

I thank that Costum PC's have much better hardware than "only" 4 sections. But if I now look for gamer keyboards, I find only those that simply shine rainbow RGB. And vll. Have an effect when you click on it. I'm a little disappointed. Well, the cost is all between 20 euro - 100 euro.

You could even program my notebook keyboard so that if you e.g. In Call Of Duty being shot at, the keyboard flashes red.

I do not think that there should be no such keyboards for desktop PCs. Can someone please tell me what to look for, for such keyboards that can be programmed with colors and in-game actions?


Arc RGB light up. And vll. Have an effect when you click on it. There I'm All the extra things are unnecessary, if you can write 10 fingers, lighting is unnecessary and bothers more than it uses. But can recommend the QPad MK series


I still have to examine the "QPad MK" a bit, but I think it has only minimal values via software. Or maybe not… In terms of price, you would think the can do what I'm looking for.


Here from the 50 euro keyboard you can, as far as I know, set all colors as you want. This may already be possible with the 30 euro keyboard.


Yes, watched his videos for 2020. In the video, he never mentioned that they come with software and some are actually customizable. There's something on his page. Wouldn't have thought that RGB lighting could be controlled in this price range. (Every single key and inGame etc.)


Oknivh have now checked the Sgk4 (30 euro keyboard) can also be set user-defined.