Does it really matter if you make debts and can you keep unpaid goods?


A buddy told me that he now has legal care. He has been ordering from Amazon for years and over. And nothing paid. He ended up with over 70 unopened letters. So yellow letters too. Haha.

Would you like to ask, can you do that? You're not going to jail anyway, are you?

You just accumulate debts and then go into private bankruptcy and then it's all yuppi.

My buddy is always chilling.

Have now considered buying a cell phone. And a few headphones. And thick TV. And a few laptops. And music boxes and all that. And I do not want to pay anything. That would work, right?


As soon as you have something to seize, sooner or later the "bird trader" will come by and take with him what he can.
Even before you get problems because the Schufa has no nice things to say about you.

If all this does not matter, you have to register for personal bankruptcy. This also means that you have no assets of any kind, what comes your creditors and you still have to live with the minimum.
It still does not itch and you continue shopping as if there's no tomorrow you will probably also get a caregiver who must check and approve every little € before you can do any business. Because you obviously are not capable of business.


My buddy now has about 30 to 40,000 euro debt. He does not know exactly. He laughs about it and said at my request, if there was not at some point a bailiff who had seized the things, that he has a supervisor and no one had come.


Then his supervisor will probably take care of it because he has given up any hope of getting something that resembles a mind to get into these guys.


N. He only told that his parents had set that up and he had to agree. He would not have opened a letter in the end and so on. And the carer takes care of everything. Since I thought somehow… Then you are indeed eig for life around worried and outlaw, right? If you have legal mentors for everything. Then you can do what you want. The post lands anyway anyway with the supervisor, who then has to take care of everything. And that is exactly what is already in the past, after the supervisor is officially ordered by the court, that's no matter anyway. The things you have then yes. And, if you're not stupid, you can also hide or make some, especially valuable items for safety, that they belong to someone else officially.


Such people are just completely stupid in the head! This is only done by the work-shy Asis who are too lazy for everything.