Looking for an apartment despite a negative Schufa?


I would like to move to the West next summer (when my apprenticeship is complete).

I would like to change schools or the location. (There's not only one school but several at different locations)

However, it will be very difficult with a negative Schufa, right? Due to my father (since he ordered a laptop in my name when I was 15), debts arose and even after 2 years of keeping it secret a negative entry. I was always registered with my father (housing technology)

I have filed a complaint against him and the proceedings are final. The same procedure with Amazon and debt collection. However, the district court does not want to delete my entry. (Because the debts are to be paid first, but I no longer have the debts, with whom everything is cleared)
Do you know what else I could do?


As long as the Schufa entry exists, you can almost forget to find an apartment in the west. My mother had the same problem with a Schufa entry that had nothing to do with rent but had no chance, I had to vouch for her.

So if you have someone to vouch for you then


Maybe the father?


You should immediately reveal the cards to every landlord. Point out the negative Schufa, why they came about and that you can prove everything in writing.

Then hopefully you will also have an employer who can put in a good word for you. No guarantee, but an opportunity.


The father would hardly be an option.

Everyone can be a guarantor if you meet the requirements.


Because the debts are to be paid first, but I no longer have the debts, with whom everything is cleared)

Do you know what else I could do?

Explain something better. It is clear that the debts must be paid before a Schufa cancellation. Which means you have no more debts and everything is settled with "them". Who is "whom"?

Since I do not yet fully understand where the main problem is, I would advise you to pay the debt at the moment if there are still entries in your name. You can then reclaim the money from your father.

If the debt changed the "owner" (I mean the debtor), then I don't quite understand what the problem is?


I solved everything with Infoscore.


What does that mean specifically? Are you still in debt or not? Are you titled? What is in your Schufa self-disclosure?


The debts are no longer in my name. My father put all of that into his account back then, because I no longer had an account. The Schufa entry still exists.

My father does not pay for the debt because he gets Hartz4.


My father does not pay for the debt because he gets Hartz4.

That is not an argument. E.g. 50 euro monthly You can also pay if you receive ALG 2.

Which of you two has the Schufa entry? You or your father If it is in your Schufa, what exactly is there? Enforcement notice, submission of the property register or what?


Me, since he ordered a laptop in my name. When I was 15

In my Schufa it says "not submitting the property information"


Why "no delivery"? Because you were not yet of legal age or because you refused?

This is a pretty big mess… Maybe you should get in touch with a lawyer.

Otherwise, I refer to the answer from @ bwhoch2.


My father always got the mail. Maybe because they thought I hadn't responded. The entry has existed since 2017 and I turned 16


Which lawyer should I contact? There are different ones


If the entry has been there since 2017, then it should actually be deleted by now. At least as far as I know.

You can basically contact any lawyer as long as you get a "good" one. Maybe to a specialist lawyer for bankruptcy law, since they should be well versed in not paying bills. But that's just a suggestion. If necessary, also to a specialist lawyer for criminal law, since your father deals with the "Aktion" m.M.n. Has made criminal.


Only, who likes to vouch for someone he hardly knows and for a fairly unknown, possibly very high risk. In this respect, the best guarantors are usually still the parents, but that is probably not the case here.


That's right, being a guarantor is a high risk even with family members.

I see little chance there.


Thanks for the award.