Teams audio not working?


So my class did a video conference about teams today. When I took part in the video conference (on the laptop) I didn't hear any sound from the teacher or my classmates even though their microphone was on. What can I do now?


First please check whether you have your speakers on at all. Then:

My daughter had the problem too. In teams there's an extra loudspeaker symbol for video conferences where you can turn on the sound.


Maybe your laptop was connected to a different output device? Check that in your audio settings.


First of all, you should check whether you are the only one who can't hear the teachers or whether it is the same with the others.

If it is the same with the others, the teachers have to check whether their microphone is on. If that doesn't help, the teachers have to check the EINGABE device in the device's settings.

If it is only for you, then try to improve the internet connection (e.g. Get closer to the wireless router). If that doesn't help then check your OUTPUT device (speakers, speakers, headphones…). To do this, go to settings and search for "output device". Then choose where the sound should come out.

If all else fails, see if you might have accidentally turned off the sound. Often happens to me! In the end it is better than making a huge drama about the audio device! 😉