Chromebook for architecture school?


I'm studying architecture and I need a good laptop. Can i use a Chromebook? Because I have one and don't feel like buying one. I don't even know whether Chromebook supports CAD programs, etc. And what my laptop can or must have on it.


For drawing programs, your laptop doesn't have to be the most powerful - it will work


Chromebooks run on Chrome OS. It's kind of like a web browser. These laptops are not designed for CAD needs. Even if you root the device with a Linux kernel, the Chromebook will overheat during demanding CAD tasks. Cheap laptops and older ultrabooks with Celeron / Pentium Y processors don't do either. A powerful laptop with a Core i CPU / Ryzen CPU and possibly a GPU is usually required.


First, check whether the programs you need (the university would have to tell you which programs should be used) are even available for ChromeOS. If not, check on the web.

Also, Chromebooks tend not to be the most powerful. I could imagine that they are overwhelmed with complex CAD tasks.


Here, however, CAD programs (construction, modeling, 3D calculation, etc.) should be used. That has nothing to do with a "drawing program" - a completely different league.


On the contrary. The CAD programs, which now all work in 3D as standard, require high computing capacities.


I'm studying architecture and I need a good laptop.

You actually know that before you start studying mathematics or technology.

Can i use a Chromebook?

Of course not. You want to work and not surf around.

You need - when it comes to CAD during your studies; At the beginning it is not necessary - not a common everyday notebook, but a powerful model, more in the workstation area. At least 32GB RAM, i7 and a 1TB SSD disk.


Chromebooks are also available with Ryzen or Core i5 - i7


With my drawing program I can model, construct, make 3D animation, I don't know if you know Allplan.


I know. Necessary applications are not running there


You wrote that you need performance, they have things, there's also support that Windows programs run, which I don't know are not interesting for me