Did I fall for GMX tricksters?


I'm afraid I've done something totally stupid. I received an email, allegedly from GMX with the subject 'Upgrade Account' and it said:

"Dear GMX users, for your personal protection, we have blocked your mailbox as a precaution because our automatic security systems have detected irregularities when accessing your GMX account.

Click here to confirm your identity

We apologize for the problem.

Sincerely yours,

GMX Customer Management © 2020 "

Since I'm urgently waiting for a few emails, I did it in total naivety and immediately ready. I immediately changed the password. But is that enough? What do you think and can you report that?

After changing the password, I received an email from real GMX support saying that I had changed my password. I changed my password on the laptop, there you can see better whether it is a real account or not. But I'm not certain.


Can you please remove the phishing link from the text?


Unfortunately I can no longer edit it, I just noticed it. I can't ask good questions.


Congratulations, you fell for scammers. You could have noticed directly at the link, which refers to "sdpt20.sandiegopremiertraining.com/deutse" and is in no way from GMX…


Reported the question once. With luck, Girlfriend will only delete the link. ^^


Yes and what do I do now?! That's my question 🙈


If you immediately changed the password again - i.e. Before the phishing algorithm could do it - everything will be ok again.


He noticed that and then changed the password.


Please take the link out / change your answer?


Yeah well, don't want you to get whatever.


Please take the link out here, it doesn't have to be that you spread this phishing site.
Did you also receive the email in your GMX mailbox?
Then it should be immediately clear that the fake was, because with a blocked account you can no longer read mails that were sent there.

You can assume that all data that you have entered on the page behind the link of the fraudsters, including any passwords entered, are compromised.

Changing the password quickly was a good step. Whether this will be enough will depend on how long someone has been able to use the data you have given.


That would be very good.


Since I have no idea what exactly is happening on this page and I'm not looking to find out, I can't really judge whether changing the password is sufficient.

Usually it fits…


I'm not going to go there, but there are enough who do and then shoot themselves in the leg.


I actually wanted the link to be in plain text, but Girlfriend thinks that it always has to be automatically converted to a URL, even if I explicitly delete the link…: shrug


Not possible, but the question has been reported.


Ah okay.


I also meant the respondent (xxxcyberxxx). I also reported the question with a corresponding note. ^^


I asume that as well. As long as the change was still possible, everything should be safe again.

It is best to set up additional protection:



Ah understood: -D


Unfortunately, as I said, I can't.


I didn't mean you.


You were probably faster than the scammers. If you change the password, they will no longer be able to access it.

I would go through all the settings - including the phone number - so you can be sure that nothing has been changed.


Yes, thank you. I will. But looked good at first glance