Make your laptop faster with overvoltage?

- in Dell

So I have a laptop from Dell and I always thought that laptops and devices were 12 volts. Internally, I think it's always 5V and 3.3V.

I wanted to expand my laptop with these and other things. External graphics card, 2nd monitor etc. And now I had a 2nd charger which I then wanted to plug into this adapter.

Now I have seen that the laptop charger has 19 volts.

I once read that you can break your battery with overvoltage, but it is designed for the 19 volt.

Motherboards actually always work the same way… And somehow the 19 volt seems to be able to cope?

In general, it can be that laptops work better with such a low overvoltage than if there was too little voltage.

How is it now with the graphics card that will be plugged into this adapter?

It will probably not be overclocked then will it? , because the chips work with the internal 3.3 volts anyway? The 12 volts are actually only for the battery. Also a monitor… It will probably only use the 5V or the 3.3V?


The battery voltage is converted on the mainboard of the notebook. Thus, the components only get their 3.3 / 5 / 12V…

Incidentally, this adapter requires a PC power supply. That's what the power adapter is for. Only with the laptop you can't get it started. In addition, ext graphics cards often require an additional supply from the PC power supply. Then your laptop must have a free PCIe port. So you have to lead the ribbon cable inside to the outside of the laptop to be able to connect the adapter… It may work, but if that is optimal.

As far as overclocking is concerned, you do not change the voltage of the GraKa with a power supply, nor do you change the CPU. This is regulated by the software, whether or not the corresponding fixed voltage regulators deliver more to the CPU / GPU. The power supplies remain unchanged.


So thanks for the comment… For me this is the ideal solution because I will save myself such a rather expensive laptop. Maybe it makes sense to wait for Thunderbird and USB4 and for the Intel graphics solutions. These 3DNAND memories are theoretically almost as fast as RAM. Something like this will certainly also have an impact on the construction of notebooks at some point… I have the feeling that if you have enough free PCIe slots, you can assemble a supercomputer. Only with the chipset on the mainboard. I can't classify it that way yet.

And the question of whether this will work with the 19V and what exactly that does on the mainboard is still open.


No, this is no longer open… The 19V are there for charging the battery and are regulated and adjusted down just like the battery voltage via electronics. A 15V battery e.g. Requires a correspondingly high charging voltage. But the power supply has more than the actual battery voltage. But everything behind the battery is regulated via the MB's power supply levels. How much V the charger has depends on the battery voltage. The voltage is therefore chosen higher so that the current can be lower with the same power. 20V / 2A are 40W as well as 5V / 8A. The cables only have to be thicker for 8A… Even higher tension. The rest is controlled by the electronics and each component always gets the voltage it needs in every computer. The only thing that would be a problem would be a too high power supply voltage (higher than specified by the manufacturer), since the internal electronics are only designed for a maximum voltage. He would not die faster, but would die with smoke signals…


But the devices only draw as much amps as they can. You can see that e.g. At the stores. Some have longer latencies and delay everything.

But because the voltage is a bit higher, I think that also affects the reduced voltages such as 3.3 V or 5V like lubricating oil. So that's 50% more so 5 volts and 7.7 volts? But who knows how such a CPU really works. Whether the e.g. Affected the tension yourself. You just put on 5 volts and 3.3 come out. In some of them only 2, 9 V, which you then try to regulate with a higher basic voltage… Then the periphery can still work properly…

the laptop is more likely to burn when the current hits a "hot wire", but strangely enough, the voltage in the high-voltage aluminum cables in the long-distance power network tends to be increased because it reduces the resistance… So less heat loss occurs… This is a very difficult science… In which the insight is also somewhat obscured.


Well, you're confusing a lot…

The electronics in the notebook are designed for an input voltage. The electronics ensure that e.g. 5V are available. If you increase the input voltage now, you only get 5V, but the electronics are overloaded and heat up until they burn out… When overclocking, the electronics are forced to supply more voltage, because of the overclocking, the processor also requires more voltage, which one higher current and thus more power. That generates heat… So the voltage is not generated by a higher input voltage, but by driving the electronics, which means that it outputs other voltages. So if you increase the input voltage, nothing gets faster, just hotter… So it does nothing but electronic waste…

The resistance does not decrease with high-voltage lines. It is about providing a service. For example, 1000W… (of course it is megawatts that are transmitted) … 1000W at 100V would be 10A… At 1000V only 1A… The resistance of the cable remains the same. For example, 1 ohm… At 10A that would be 10V between the beginning and end, which arrive less… So only 90V at 10A = 900W and 100W are "lost" via the line. With 1A it is only 1V… So there are still 999V and therefore 999W. So 99W less loss. Only 1W is lost through the line… Although in both cases 1000W are fed in at the beginning of the line… Is only physics, not complicated… ^^


Thanks again for the answer… Physics also has a lot to do with definitions and you certainly did not come to the final wisdom.

With Ohm you wanted to have a fixed size that can be assigned to the material, but overall, because in OHM the wattage is also included, you can still make the statement that with higher voltage the resistance to work / power (watt) sinks. I think even if you checked this very carefully, every material would have a kind of "OHM curve" depending on the voltage. But electricity is really a difficult thing to understand. Ultimately, it is a phenomenon that is based on magnetic fields and the strength of the magnetic field in the line is just volt. That is why you can compare this microelectronic with radio technology, which is not only about performance but also about information. If you want to reduce tensions? Doesn't that always happen through turns? And the current I that flows there. Is always more a result of what the line gives or lets through. The volt magnetic field in the line itself will certainly not change, will it? Or maybe because otherwise you couldn't send any information, couldn't generate a wave and the computer microelectronics really has nothing to do with electricity, just the magnetic field. So not like Morse code, but like analog tube TV. How exactly do you have to imagine direct current? Couldn't it be different? The alternating current that changes through the speed of the turbines that feed in at 60 Hz or something? But what does the direct current look like, is there a kind of sine curve, or is it really a very even voltage?


Or would this function at microelectronic with radio be more like a kind of quantum computer with some kind of RFID technology


With Ohm you wanted to have a fixed size that can be assigned to the material, but overall, because in OHM the wattage is also included, you can still make the statement that with higher voltage the resistance to work / power (watt) sinks. I think even if you checked this very carefully, every material would have a kind of "OHM curve" depending on the voltage

The conductors (copper ect) have a temperature-dependent curve. No voltage / current dependent… That has already been determined. If a line has 2 ohms, it has this at 1Volt and also at 1000V… The power that is converted there into heat depends on the current strength and the resistance. Therefore, a voltage drops across it. This then results in the power loss that is converted into heat. And only this heat changes the resistance value a little…

Microelectronics has nothing to do with quantum computers / quantum physics… Neither RFID nor radio with quantum computers… DC voltage has no sine, so it is DC voltage… This can be wavy, but if it becomes negative (changes direction) it is AC voltage… The voltage changes Many types… With induction (transformer) with the winding ratio, with direct current through voltage dividers (resistors in series) or through power electronics that dynamically change the resistance (again voltage divider but controllable / changeable) or by clocking the direct voltage (pulse pattern), etc.

AC is created by the build-up / breakdown of magnetic fields. Mostly with 50Hz (different countries 60Hz) …

Computers are not based on analog technology, but digital… All information is 0 or 1. And that is strung together. As with Morse code either… Either light or no light… This is the information.

Since the whole thing is not supposed to be a school trip or study, I break off here… There's enough information on the net to read how everything works. Otherwise school, teaching ect…


OK. Nevertheless thanks again that with the voltage drop is interesting, that would mean that magnetic fields would be transmitted without loss without current, that the current quasi brakes the magnetic field

… Isn't it the case that standing waves are used with the RFID chips. And don't you use something like that with CPUs? That would be this quantum technology, that changes in the standing wave can be perceived almost magically with retroactive effect.


It would have been possible with old analog TV that this standing wave, if you had theoretically had a super ultra quantum computer on the transmitter, could have reversed the television process and could have scanned the observer… If you could somehow focus it? Of course, this is extremely conspiracy theory. The speed of light and the speed of electricity are similar quantities, but how fast can magnetic field voltages vibrate in theory? There are actually no statements from physics about it… But is not this quantum energy. In principle, the quantum computer has long been invented… At least that's what I think. At least it's a thesis.


I somehow thought again whether this could be correct with the voltage drop. My first thought was that this can't work because the tension builds up between plus and minus. But I think it means that the voltage drops over the entire length of the line. And in this power supply itself, the magic would then happen, but across this entire internal circuit. The power supply spits out different voltages depending on the resistance and power in the internal circuit, because induction magically works differently. But in the end I think that the work performance, which is normally the case with electricity, e.g. With motors etc. Is so important, in the computer there's only secondary matters, the secret is just in the radio and since you can also change memory with radio… Or am I wrong?