How can I make my laptop faster without rebuilding something?


My laptop is already running very slowly. That's why I ask here if you can make the laptop faster without sharing anything faster?


I would once over-iron with the CCleaner and remove all unnecessary files.

In addition, you should look in the auto start if there's a lot of scrap started and running.

See if you have the right programs for your operating system (32 bit, 64 bit)


Please not the CCleaner


May I help you. I think the program is great.

Of course, only the version that is not contaminated by a virus ;-)


Uninstall unnecessary programs, clean up startup folders, stop unnecessary services, remove corpses from uninstalled programs in the registry (but this does not really have to be)


The CCleaner is nonsense and just makes nonsense. Voice quignified.


"Uninstall unnecessary programs"



CCleaner is useless like a goiter. It can only do what is possible with board means. Only through the GUI an inexperienced user can break more.


Everyone has his own opinion. I drive well with the right settings.


Why are my desktop icons always in the wrong position after using CCleaner?


I would not touch the registry. Removing pseudo optimizations such as unneeded registry entries are a game of fire with no effect. Windows only loads the required entries. Thus, you have no speed advantage, but a relatively high risk that you break something.


Clean the computer clean, that means, everything down, with the reinstallation of the operating system, then only reinstall the programs that you really uses synonymous. Stay away from tuning programs that promise to make the computer faster, because the developers of operating systems are not too stupid that you would have to intervene in their work later. Then the computer should run again as on the first day. -------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------
If the computer is already much older, and is overloaded with current operating system rather, since this is written for today more powerful computer, install an alternative, faster operating system from the Linux corner. There are specially versions for rather laptops that can be used quickly for online and office tasks.


Because it's probably going to reset the desktop.


That makes sense.