No more admin rights to my own laptop?


The day before yesterday I think I asked a question that my Windows Defender is gone and that I can't get it to work again.
Well, I've somehow managed to get it back on track. But I still have the problem that I don't have any admin rights in Windows services. Or a Trojan is blocking my access.

I do it like this:

WINDOWS + R → Services.msc → Microsoft Defender Antivirus → and now the crux of the matter. It's set to manual and I want to set it to automatic. I can choose automatically, but if I want to press ok, the message: ACCESS DENIED.

Since the Defender has been up and running again, he's discovered some backdoor scripts and Trojans and stuff. Whatever my cousin downloaded from my laptop.
How do I fix it so that I can access the MS services again?


In the worst case, reinstall Windows.


I absolutely want to avoid that😅


I would reinstall Windows.


If you reinstall Windows you will save a lot of time. Windows gets slow anyway after a few years…

Linux will never be the most installed operating system considering how often you have to reinstall Windows.


Often only that helps.

because a virus program only removes the virus, but not the damage it targets


Try to install a virus scanner that may still find errors.

E.g. Here:

Install the "Total Security" product as a 30-day trial version.


I would also like to have Linus, but that's my laptop for gaming and most of the games don't run on linus


Hmm yes that's right


Linux not Linus.

Yes, unfortunately most game manufacturers do not publish their games for Linux, but you can now virtualize better and better…

On this website you can search for games and see how well they run on Linux:


Ah, perfetto.


If the system restore has been activated for LW C: a reset to a date before the incident can help:

Check with starting over
- Right click on the Windows symbol in the system tray
- Select "Execute" and
- Program / text: SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe
Enter in the field and start with OK.

If the "Computer Protection" tab for LW C: the protection is set to "On", a date before the incident can possibly be selected using the "System Restore" button.




Yes, but even a professional couldn't remove everything 100% safely. Unfortunately, the only way to be sure is to reinstall.