Can you sell a very bad laptop?


I have a very very very very very very very bad laptop. It's so bad I have to play Minecraft when I stand still and do nothing 2 FPS when I take only one step I have 0.

It was a mistake to buy Minecraft. But ok. So can or can such a bad laptop be sold at all?


You have to ask in a specialist shop. Maybe they could make something out of it, i don't know ^^


So you can definitely.

There are people who only use it as a type of typewriter. That's what it will do. Or to surf the Internet.


Poor laptop can't help you torture it with a program that it wasn't made for.

laptop and gaming is as useful as taking part in the tour de france with a children's bike.


But that's kind of weird, because on Amazon someone asked if you can play minecraft smoothly with my laptop and the seller just said yes๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…


Are usually the same sellers who sell outdated electronic waste as a high-end gaming system.


Of course you can.

And if you have a better one, you can use your purchased Minecraft on it.


Sure, you don't have to tell the potential buyer about your impression of the device. Maybe the buyer is not using the device for gaming.