Microphone quality bad from laptop?

- in Asus

I have a very weird problem with my microphone / audio quality on my new laptop. I try to keep it as simple and short as possible.

It's about the Asus ROG G14 x Acronym which came out only a few months ago and was very expensive (over 2000 euro)

Unfortunately, due to Corona, my lessons only take place online via Zoom. What I noticed, and was made aware of by others, is that my audio quality appears to be very poor. I thought it was due to the external webcam that I connected and its microphone. That's why I switched the microphone to the one normally installed in the laptop and lo and behold, it's still bad. So I've already plugged in normal cable headphones Apple and tried the microphone and it's still bad.

Then I noticed that when I zoom in on my cell phone, everything is fine, and when I plug the SAME wired headphones into the cell phone, my audio quality is even better. The same with my Air Pods that I connect via Bluetooth. Connected to a cell phone it sounds good, connected to a laptop it sounds bad.

Last solution: I bought a new webcam from Acer for almost 70 euro, because I only had a webcam before 10 euro. The new microphone is said to be very good and even has noise canceling in the microphone. Everyone also says that she is very good in all aspects.

So yesterday arrived, connected and set up and switched the microphone, from the new webcam and STILL bad quality.

I have this problem not only with zoom but always. I talked to friends about Discord and there the problem is 1: 1.

So the problem can't be with the laptop. I also cleaned the jack socket because some said that there might be dust in it. Otherwise, I also turned the rate up in the settings and just did everything I could think of and found on the Internet.

What I have to say is that my laptop is a little further away on a stand and is connected to an external monitor, but that shouldn't have anything to do with the problem.

Does anyone know how to fix this strange problem?

I have to say that my audio quality is not completely bad now, that hardly understands anything, but it is so bad that everyone I talk to notices and I often have to repeat something because nobody has understood it correctly. The worst quality of all is when I use the laptop's factory-built microphone.

It would be really great if someone who knows it well has an idea what it could be.


Try to describe the bad sound with good comparisons.


So good sound, in the case when I do everything on my mobile phone: Clear and clear and relatively close in time and not offset
On the laptop: as if you were standing a few meters away and it sounds very suppressed. The sound doesn't sound like it's a bad microphone and there's no weird noise or anything. It just sounds strongly suppressed and you don't quite understand what is being said. It is also slightly offset in time.


Since there are three different microphones that just don't work on your laptop, take a closer look at the audio settings, a time offset sounds like extra options for influencing the sound.

With strongly suppressed you probably mean not only quiet, but also limited dynamics? - Loud parts are adapted to the quiet ones, everything sounds similarly loud. Too much compression (reduced dynamics) may sound like this.


I've already tried everything. Unfortunately nothing worked. Could it possibly be due to the signal processing, i.e. How my laptop processes it. I have not set anything in terms of sound influencing and also tried everything.


Perhaps a wrong or incompletely installed or defective driver. In the worst case, the microphone preamplifier, or part of it, is defective on the hardware side.


I just saw that the laptop also has a special (newer?!) microphone technology (microphone array) which still runs afterwards via a DSP (digital sound processor). So also new possibilities for mistakes. So the next thing I would do if you were to ask the manufacturer.


Quite easy. Your laptop has a terrible sound chip, despite the price. You can attach an external sound card or a USB audio interface such as the Steinberg UR22. An external microphone. A normal ynamic microphone will do for you. Be it a cheap AKG P3 or the classic SM 57. Pop protection in front of it and everything will be fine


Of course it could be that the sound chip is bad, but it can't be that it is THAT BAD, every normal person would have noticed during the production and testing of the laptop. Does it have something to do with the new microphone technology as someone here has already written? "I just saw that the laptop also has a special (newer?!) microphone technology (microphone array) which later runs on a DSP (digital sound processor)." - stair climber