Minecraft loads only loads up to half?


I installed Minecraft on my laptop because my PC is in maintenance.

And now the launcher and everything loads, but it does not start the game itself or just hangs up at half.

I have now reinstalled it several times, reinstalled the folders and stuff, but it doesn't seem to work, even when I started it with a powerful external hard drive with the right programs and it doesn't work.

and it can't be because the device is fairly new…

I would appreciate a quick answer


It does not load.

What kind of device do you have, which versions have you tried and do you get any error messages?


Is a lenovo labtop and I tried it first with the latest then with the 1.12 and 1.8, and no I don't really get error messages or only in the log because you can activate it in the launcher, and then it only says if I cancel it

apart from that, it only says if I double-tap "no feedback"


No crash log or anything else? And what kind of hardware do you have?


I don't know the hardware by heart, but I can look it up, but I don't think it is because it is new

crashlog as a file or other, I have other through an NEN program in view and there was no message.