Minecraft .Minecraft folder deleted by Anti Virus program as APP of Windows was the problem why was this anti virus activated at all?


I'm playing Minecraft and I have to delete the .Minecraft folder there since I used many files wrong then I restarted Minecraft and then came the message (The downloaded file can't be saved) and then I found a suspicious virus program My laptop is what seems to be Windows because it is displayed as an app using Windows 10 the app is called Anti Virus (Segurazo AntiVirus) and what I do not understand is how such a program comes into my app so it seems to be provided by Windows as can such an app Minecraft harm other virus programs on it have not caused it have tested it a few times it is 100 percent of this AntiVirus well my question is how can such a stupid program hurt me so who knows this VIrus program and can say what


Sometimes punctuation and sentence construction really make a lot.

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