USB stick loads forever, does not work properly?


8 years ago or so, I transferred all my stuff from my old computer to a usb-stick to survive the computer.
Everything was always good and so on. Until about 3 years ago I tried to look at pictures on the said Usb-stick.
The image files could not be opened, or needed 30 minutes or longer to show. Did the USB stick at that time connected to all sorts of devices but nowhere wanted to load the pictures. Have it then be good.

Today it has me again packed. However, the stick seems to give up the spirit completely. If it is plugged in, it will take 10 minutes to read it correctly from the computer (?) (Green loading bar in the folder). When it is loaded I can open it. Did not dare to open files for fear he crashes and pulls my laptop (he did opener) Then just wanted to move files to my external hard drive, did not work.

Then I wanted to check it with right-click properties, but it lubricates me when I right-click.

Sorry for the novel but IS the stick still to save? HOW is the stick still to save, I have the things on it nowhere else more.


First of prehistory:

Every long-term backup medium (backup means, by the way, that you have saved the data 2x!) You should at the latest every 2 years check, if necessary, the data on a new medium umkopieren.

You can try restoring the data with various rescue tools:

But remember that you could reduce the chances of recovery with your own rescue attempts.

If the data is very important to you, you can hire a professional data recovery lab, e.g. :


In any case, thank you for the faster answer

My 14-year-old himself has not thought too much about something like that according to the motto "will be fine"


I hope you get it without a lab, then it will be expensive ;-)