Girlfriend threw down the tape deck, insurance incompetent, what to do?


I live with my girlfriend and she got stuck on a cable helping to rearrange and threw down my hi-fi cassette deck.

This is a high-end model from Denon, which is sold for several hundred euro in the condition in which it was.

The insurance company is pretty cross and says that the device has no value and they would pay me a maximum of 50 euro for it.

What can you do there?

I mean, we pay a lot of money for this club, just for such cases and then they do such faxes. I'm more upset about her than about my girlfriend. She didn't do it on purpose.

It wasn't the first time. A buddy threw down a notebook last year that was still relatively new (6 months), and not even half of the value was paid for.

Insurance fraud - but the other way around, you get cheated by them.

The insurance is from Generali, whose private liability insurance, I'm very dissatisfied.
It would have made more sense not to have insurance, then I could buy a new deck from the amounts saved in recent years, one that would be even better:-)

My further question: Which insurance does not cheat you?


I live with my girlfriend and she got stuck on a cable helping to rearrange and threw down my hi-fi cassette deck.

In the event of damage to people who live in the same household, private liability insurance does not pay a cent.

Loot your savings account.


Great, I should have known that earlier. I'm not an insurance expert.
Such an insurance is not really worth it.

Addendum, we have separate contracts, does that make a difference?


A personal liability insurance is always worthwhile, because they also cover the costs, e.g. If you Caused a traffic accident as a pedestrian or by bicycle.

Just because of a mere 100 euro, I wouldn't even think of reporting such a damage to my liability.


Basically, the insurance does not have to pay anything! You write, your girlfriend and you live together. So you are a community.

The liability insurance covers damage to injured third parties. A life community is not one of them. Because as a community you are an economic unit. You put your income together and use it to run the household. If one of them then causes such damage to the other, then that is basically self-harm and no harm to third parties!

And on the value: the insurance covers damage to the extent that it would have never occurred. In other words, if a used device is destroyed, the current value of this device will be replaced. In other words: how much does it cost to purchase a device of the same age in this condition?

So you will never get the new value of the laptop for a used laptop. Because then you would be in a better position than before the damage!

And in the insurance industry, the prohibition of enrichment applies: Nobody should enrich themselves from damage!

This is generally the case and now has nothing to do with the fact that you are with Generali!

The premium is determined on the basis of the previous damage history within the company.

Of course, some people feel like they keep paying in for years and never get anything in return. But insurance is not a savings bank! Just the promise to pay for the damage in the event of a claim is a service of the insurance company and a premium has to be paid for this service!


What can "your / her" consultant / broker / onliner or "your / her" insurance company do if you can't prove your damage?

My PH does not need 40 EUR / year for a flat rate of 50 million. A pole is good, but one that can be held.

A landlord also doesn't get a new floor covering just because the dear tenant spilled something on it.


Then there are enough bars, whatever the reason, your advisor / broker / onliner has definitely not advised it that way.

In a household only one PH is necessary, the second approx. 40 EUR / year can be saved.


Since you live with your girlfriend, it's a marriage-like relationship and your insurer doesn't have to pay anything. It would be like if you did it yourself, so the insurance is very good and accommodating.

What did your supervisor say? Why don't you have a broker, because he would be on your side and help, at least if there's something to help?

It's strange that everything falls in such a short time… There are coincidences…