Liability insurance does not want to pay damages?

- in HP

I have the following problem. My girlfriend's sister accidentally damaged my laptop. The sister is liable insured and has reported this to the insurance. This has written to me and wanted photos, etc. So far, all right.

I received an estimate from HP. 270 euro should cost the repair. The insurance wrote me in an email: they pay only 50 euro impairment. After a call, the total increased to 100 euro. My question to you: does the insurance have to pay the damage and do I have to have the laptop repaired? They have agreed that I should have the laptop repaired and send the bill to them. But what if I only want the money and no repair? Do I have to accept the 100 euro? Or am I more money?


That smells very strong for insurance fraud. I would be careful. Especially because you are so pounding on the money. The pay usually only the time value


Either repair or time value. If the device is functional, there's just the loss of value


Or am I more money?

If your old laptop is worth only 100 euro, then you stand at a total loss and only 100 €.


You can withdraw the money.

The liability replaces damages due to § 823 BGB compensation. It always depends only on the current time value and not on the new value. You are put as one minute before the damage. The installation of a new part would make you better.

For details, your insurance person can tell you.


You can insist that you be reimbursed for the net repair costs of the submitted KVA.

Legal basis: § 249 Abs.2 BGB.


I mentioned that on the phone, what the Lord said this would not be possible. He would have spoken to the supervisor and said probably more than 100 is not in it


Then the Lord should justify his opinion to you in writing.