Why Cover Laptop Webcam?


I often see that many people cover the webcam on their laptop.

Is it because it can happen that you are filmed? But that can only happen through viruses, right?

Why Cover Laptop Webcam

Do that too, gives a feeling of security.

I have paranoia of being watched or filmed ^^


It is possible that hackers could activate your camera.

But normal laptop cameras have an LED that comes on when the camera is running.


Better safe than sorry and such a cover shouldn't bother anyone. It's not just viruses to blame, sometimes people intentionally install spy software or messengers and then forget to turn it off.


Is it because it can happen that you are filmed? But that can only happen through viruses, right?

It MAY happen that the webcam signal is tapped by malware. The masking is only for the paranoia.


Incl. I don't know anyone who doesn't do that myself. I even put my smartphone away at home. You never know…


Most of the time, however, the LED is only controlled by software, i.e. It doesn't have to be on when the camera is on…


Caution, some devices switch the LED on and off via software, so you can't rely on it in a hacker context.

Most of the time, however, the LED is only controlled by software, i.e. It doesn't have to be on when the camera is on…

Damn, I was too slow.