New configFile for openVPN trustworthy?


Friends of the well-kept administrator accounts

My employer sent me a new configfile for the openVPN for the home office.

Somehow I get the impression that this means that there's more control than necessary. Is that possible? So that he can track the online times, etc.

Basically I have no problem with that. Can such a file also "record" while not connected via VPN? I sometimes use the laptop in the evenings for online gym coaching, e.g.


No, OpenVPN can't record if you are not online with it. What is possible is that all Internet traffic is sent through the VPN and not just that which is intended for the private network. Then he could see if you hang around on YouTube during working hours. But he can't just do that. There must be a corresponding company agreement for this.

Are you allowed to use the laptop for private purposes or is it a private device?


A config file only contains instructions for a program on how it should behave.

Monitoring via a new file is not possible.

If this is a company laptop, you should be careful what you do with it privately. If your employer doesn't allow you to do that, you'll be in hell in no time.