Windows Openvpn Connect ca certificate is undefined?


We have an IPFire firewall in the company. OpenVPN also runs there. I downloaded the package with the .ovpn and the .p12 for my cell phone (Android). It worked wonderfully on my cell phone. I tried to use the two files on my laptop (Windows) via the OpenVPN Connect program. So I loaded the .ovpn as normal and added the .p12 as a certificate. Strangely, I get 2 certificates. Neither works. If I then try to connect, I get the error message: mbed TLS: ca certificate is undefined.

You have to know, I'm not very familiar with how I think I can tell from my question. I still hope that maybe someone can help me.


CA Certificate undefined comes out when you create a certificate yourself, there's an option to ignore it.

Check out your client