Compare Gaming Pc?

- in Gaming

Moin community,

I have a request to those who are familiar with technology or gaming PCs. I would ask you to compare the following Gaming Pcs. I found one on Agando, the other on HardwareRat. I wanted a good PC for max. 800 Tacken with which you can gamble on Fortnite to about 144 FPS. I also wanted to know if it would be worthwhile to get a PC at all, because I do not have much fun with Fortnite anymore, but I'm still tired of playing on my laptop, where 60 FPS are the highest of emotions. Another problem is that when I open other programs such as discord open that the laptop mega slow or not render the things. Since I have said good German no mood on it. I'm bursting the tie! Well here the PC's




The Agando one can enter the bin, cheapest power supply, cheapest board and only 8GB slow RAM


Thank you. Incidentally, HardwareRat recommended it to me as well. However, I still have a question: Is it the Intel processors better for the game than AMD?


If money does not matter, you can tease out some more FPS on Intel processors, but AMD is better in everything else.


The PC of HardwareRat is much better and also has the stronger graphics card, which you directly synonymous more FPS with the will have.

The PC from Agando saves a lot on the power supply, motherboard, RAM and cooling. Although he has an Intel I5 8500, which could perhaps get out so 5-10 FPS more, with the same graphics card.

Here you have a worse graphics card, so this is not possible anyway, plus you would have a significantly worse comfort with the PC, as the louder, can be upgraded worse and will also show less power.


Do not forget that the HardwareRat PC connects its SSD over m2, while Agando has a 20 euro Sata SSD in it.


At the moment I advised against Intel, the prices are priceless at the moment. Intel has a better single-core performance, Amd better multicore performance. As the future games are likely to be more kerner oriented, AMD would also be more future proof (so the guess of me).


Thanks, then I know xD