Gaming PC or gaming laptop?

- in Gaming

I want to buy a gaming PC or gaming laptop from my money I earned. I have a Ps4, but almost all of my friends only play on the PC / laptop, so I can't do that much with the Ps4. We have had the Playstation for 4/5 years. I first thought about buying the PlayStation 5, mostly because of the technical upgrades compared to the Ps4. However, then I have almost no one to play with. So I think a gaming PC / laptop makes the most sense.

At the moment I already have a laptop, but it is not designed for gaming.

Following problem:

I'm (almost) 17 and will be going abroad for a whole year in one year, i.e. After I graduate from high school. If I were to buy a gaming PC, I probably wouldn't be able to take it with me and it would stand around with me all the time (for a year). If I took a gaming laptop, I could take it anywhere. It is more expensive and almost not "changeable" in terms of the individual components.
What would you advise me

And I have a building society contract, where I invest money every year in order to have some small change for later.


In your case, I would still get a gaming PC. The question is also where you go and what you do for 1 year. Probably not playing all day and wondering if your friends have time when you have time because of the time zones.


I'm considering going to England and improving my English while doing something "social".

And because of the time zones, that shouldn't be a problem.


I personally would get a gaming PC. A laptop is not only more expensive, you can't upgrade it and, above all, it is more susceptible to heat. In addition, a gaming laptop is a bad laptop for work because of its size and weight.

do not see the problem of what speaks against your computer? Either way, you have to pack a suitcase and take a lot of luggage with you. I would take the calculator with me and buy a screen there in the target country. If I leave I will sell it again.


Yes well england is not a problem. If you had said japan or los angelges it would have been a problem ^^


You're right, but it's a little more of a burden…


Yes it is already clear but you have to travel with a lot of load anyway. Accordingly, I do not see it as the problem. Even if you had to pay more for the flight, this additional price is certainly less than the additional price for a laptop instead of a PC.

if you are towing, ahjo this is your personal decision. I'm a musician and am used to traveling with 50 kg of luggage xD


One idea would be a small computer… Not too heavy, not too big. There's a lot to choose from in micro-ATX format. Apart from the impractical, the PC has only advantages.


I would build a gaming PC because you are A future-proof and B it is just cheaper for more performance.

I know people who have also spent a year abroad and they also had a laptop with them but only went there 1-2 times because you can discover a lot of new things in another country or even want to and you don't have the time.

But I would recommend you to assemble the PC after your year abroad.