Is my laptop suitable for VR (Oculus Rift)?

- in Gaming

I own a laptop with the following data:
AMD Radeon R5 M430
8GB Ram
Windows 10
Is that enough for VR gaming with the Oculus Rift?


Gives the VR test on Steam! As you will see if it is enough and what needs to be improved


No, the laptop is far from sufficient.


VR is demanding and needs an extremely powerful graphics card to represent it properly.

A laptop is never suitable for such a thing.
Your graphics card is not nearly enough for that.


I have to contradict the first point. The official minimum recommendation is a Nvidia GTX 1060 graphics card.

They are also available in notebooks and at work many colleagues in VR development work with well-equipped notebooks.


Dito. There are laptots with a 1080 ti inherent. As probably someone has been sleeping the last 14 months.


The laptop is the VR capable and have the necessary hardware for it I'm aware. Does not make any sense for me to buy something like that.

If it's for work, ok that's different.

But in this case, it's about playing and for that I find laptops completely nonsensical and inappropriate.


There are a handful of laptorps that are better in price performance than some home-made ones. The first thing. And connect to a 4k monitor or television is indeed always.

Advantages are in gaming:

no matter which game with which settings, with restrictions on 4k play anywhere and anytime. (shadow is good but not yet ready for the market for performance junkis)
and at vr playing with a backpack pc. Not the latest model for vr gaming, but still optimal when it comes to a little sense of freedom.

clearly the laptops are expensive to buy, but that is a comparatively white self-built, which is then stationary and must then be somewhat careful for transports, after all, too. The question is rather: if you want to spend a few 100 euro more for mobility or not (the few € you spend more, you can also see as a monitor which is indeed intigriert)