Looking for a laptop with a GPU that looks less like a gaming laptop?

- in Gaming

I'm looking for a laptop that I need for school as a BTA - the simulations are very demanding, so I need a good CPU.

Since I will have a lot of online lessons because of Covid-19, I want it to have a good cam and microphone.

I'll be in a class with it, so battery life and volume are a big factor.

I have around 1000 euro ~ available.

It is very important to me that it doesn't look like a gaming laptop, even if it will probably have the specs. Keyboard light is "nice to have" 512GB should already be there with Win 10. As I said, it shouldn't look like a gaming laptop. 15 inches would be good. Probably with a GTX 1650ti ~
Does anyone have an insider tip? I've been looking for days: /


What you are looking for is a https://geizhals.de/...at&hloc=de.

They are nice and fast, have good cooling and everything you actually need + doesn't scream too much for gaming.

Have fun sitting in class with this thing. The cooling is always very good at Schenker, but if you play while you are playing, you can hear the fans.


Oh it looks really great! Have you already had any experience with the laptop?


Personally? No. At least I know that Schenker is a brand that you can trust (German company). From the technical data alone, this thing is a beast and should overwhelm all of your simulations with no problems.


Right! But the battery worries me: / Many say it only lasts 2 ~ hours.


Well, it's difficult to get something from both worlds. But if you make the right settings, the battery should last longer than 2 hours
(In addition, batteries should only have a certain size in order to get through airport control).

Which bag looks better? Ke Keyboarding78
GPU overclocking? Ja Jazlynwindow854