650 euro laptop for work and gaming?

- in Gaming

I'm looking for a new laptop because my old laptop is slowly giving up.

It should be suitable for working and reasonably demanding games.


Price: up to 600/650 euro
Should have a reasonably good graphics card
→ Should be able to play sensible shaders for Minecraft smoothly, I'm not interested in very demanding games like first person shooters
(relatively) fast SSD
(Relatively) fast processor
256+ GB storage
The battery should last at least 4-6 hours
Shouldn't be too huge
Windows does not have to be preinstalled!

Would be able to work well and quickly (study, school) and should be able to play Minecraft with (as mentioned) Lite or Medium Shader AND Mods (not necessarily the most complex, but should be enough for Medium Modpacks).

It is not meant to be a high-end laptop, but I hope that there's a laptop in the price region that meets my requirements.

Would be extremely grateful if someone could share explicit suggestions, tips and experiences with me.


I would look in your place on ebay; -. Amazon offers zwag cheap but not as you want)


Fujitsu is a good brand and with your suggested price the pc dnan should last a long time


You better get a real computer, you can easily convert it


Are these just PCs or do they also have suitable laptops?


I have a laptop from the brand