What do I have to look out for in a gaming laptop?

- in Gaming

I'm currently still playing on the ps4 and therefore don't know what to look out for when buying a gaming laptop, I plan to go to work and buy a gaming laptop from 1700 euro and now my question: what should I look out for? In any case, I would like to have a good laptop with which I can play any game without any problems and can also use mods. By the way, I'm only 14 and can only work on a 450 euro basis, so I can spend a maximum of 2k on the laptop


If you don't have to be able to move your computer, don't buy a laptop. With a desktop computer you simply get more performance for your money and in a few years if you find that one of your components is no longer good enough for the latest games, you can upgrade a PC and dispose of a laptop.


So if you don't necessarily have to be mobile with the device then buy a PC.

Otherwise you have to make sure with a laptop that it has good cooling for laptops.


Okay and what do I have to pay attention to?


What do I have to look out for with a pc


At least 8GB Ram I recommend 16GB

Quality power supply

Nice quiet fan


What is a mainboard?

What is ram and what is this PSU and which processors are good?


Basically, a good graphics card is the most important thing, and for gaming you should have a processor with good single core performance and at least 4, better 6 CPU cores. The current processors from Intel and AMD are quite good for this. Then at least 16GB RAM in the dual channel and solid cooling and power supply.

The gaming PCs at https://hardwarerat.de/...g-pcs/?p=1, for example, are rock solid. They are equipped with sensible configurations for their respective price tag and are not as massively overpriced as with many other ready-to-use PCs.


Okay, thanks and should I assemble it myself so buy all these components and have them assembled by an electronics engineer?


If you are willing to learn and do handicrafts, then buy the individual components and build yourself. Alternatively, if you have a friend who does the whole thing for a packet of cookies. The assembly services from Mindfactory and co have such high surcharges that you can keep up with a good finished PC.


I'm willing to do handicrafts, I just heard that home-made pcs are a lot better


I can only tell you what gaming laptop I'm currently looking for.

Since I'll also be watching series and films on the laptop, it shouldn't be too loud. Without a load, the laptop should prefer to whisper to itself, if not to do its work silently. It should be audible under load, but it shouldn't compete with the volume of a hairdryer.

The integrated speakers are also very important to me. Although I also know that almost nobody pays attention to the speakers. So I would like at least a 2.1 system, preferably from a well-known speaker manufacturer such as JBL, Harman Kardon, Bang & Olufsen, … But it is hardly available in newer laptops.

The slots for storage media are partly important to me. At least 1 PCIe M.2 SSD and 1 S - ATA slot would be important to me.

I don't care about the manufacturer of the CPU. Even the number of cores is sausage to me. I look at the clock speed and what TDP the CPU has, and choose a low TDP for the sake of temperature and power consumption.

For 17 "Full HD at around 75Hz and more, I would need at least a GTX 1660 or an RTX 2060.

I now see 16 GB of RAM as the standard. I don't buy anything new under that. For my projects I would of course not be averse to 32 GB of RAM.

The look of the laptop is rather negligible. As a long-time Lenovo ThinkPad user, I'm used to simplicity. But I don't want to do without an illuminated keyboard anymore, they are simply very comfortable and practical.

What I can totally do without is an optical drive and long battery life. I also don't mind a heavy weight.

I'm currently leaning towards XMG / Schenker laptops.


You have built yourself the best price-performance ratio as well as the possibility to adapt the PC to personal needs.


What do I have to look out for in a gaming laptop?

That the cooler is easy to clean without having to dismantle the whole laptop, if the AMD CPU is then only Ryzen, the laptop graphics go one step higher than the desktop graphics


Thank you


Can't you get the best parts for everything jewails? Isn't it better then already bought


Okay what does that mean? One level higher?


I have similar claims, but I still need an SD card connection


Can't you get the best parts for everything jewails?

If you can afford it, but vice versa, components don't use you whose performance you don't use

Isn't it better then already bought

Please what?


So the ram is the random access memory, because the processor can temporarily store processes that are often used so that it does not have to recalculate them every time. For Office I recommend 8, for gaming 16GB and for complex video editing 32 or 62 Gb.

The mainboard is the heart of the PC, with RAM, processor and graphics card on it.

The power adapter supplies your PC with power, make sure it has an 80+ certification. Nor should it be No Name, ideally one from Corsair, BeQuiet or Gigabyte, other well-known manufacturers also work.

Which processors are good can't be said in general, because I do not know what you want to play with them. But if you want to play the full range of games then a Ryzen 5 3600 or I5 10400 everything above would of course be better. It's logical.


It's great that I could help you with my request. I don't know 101%, but pretty much all of the laptops I've looked have had some kind of multi-card reader.

In my case, a multi-card reader wouldn't be a problem either. For the desk PC I bought a USB to MicroSD card reader for around 10 euro. It was also available for normal SD cards.


Isn't it better to do it yourself?


As I said, self-made has the advantage that you can configure a PC genua as you need it.

Assuming you want high-end gaming and streaming or video editing are irrelevant to you, a ryzen 5 5600X (6-core) would be the best processor for you. In many high-end PCs, however, you have installed 8 or 12 cores that do not give you any advantage in games.

You can then invest the money saved in a better graphics card or more memory, for example…


Thanks for this good explanation, I think now I can imagine a lot better what to look out for

And does that mean below for the processor if I want to play everything etc. And also complex games do I need a good processor?

And what do I have to pay attention to with the graphics card can you tell me the best?


Okay, well I know now


Okay what does that mean? One level higher?

Example from the recent past: the laptop mobile GTX-970 was as fast as the desktop GTX-960

Today at a Destop it would be at least a GTX 2060, better GTX 3060 so that you can have fun


Okay and a gtx 1000 is better okay


Okay and a gtx 1000 is better okay

The GTX 1xxx is older than the GTX 2xxx

Remember: GPU boss can at least compare desktop graphics cards, use this website


You need a good processor anyway if you want a modern / gaming PC.

There's not much to say about graphics cards, the best at the moment are the NVIDIA 3000 cards. These should actually be much cheaper, but given the circumstances, they are way too overpriced. In other words: The RTX 3070 should normally cost 499 euro-600 euro. Now it costs around 700 euro-800 euro.

Otherwise it is important that you install your Windows and games where short loading times are important on an SSD.

SSD are the faster and more robust counterpart to HDDS.


Okay thanks, I know



Is he good? How is the fan



Is he good? How is the fan


Perfect for the price. It'll just take a long time, the shops won't get the new 3000 cards any faster.


So the waiting times are long is not bad but is it really good for gambling? Every game?


Absolutely every. For example, in Red Dead Redemption 2, you get 80-85 FPS on FullHD Ultra Settings. However, the map will fluctuate in 4K and Ultra settings. This is what the RTX 3080 or 3090 is intended for.


How much do I have to spend on 4k? Just as a side question. Thanks for your help, what kind of video is that?


A video that shows how much the card can do. For 4k a PC with a 3080 or 3090 would be appropriate, but for that you also need a 4k monitor, otherwise it is of no use.


The monitor doesn't matter because I get everything step by step first the pc then the monitor then the mouse and keyboard headset and only then a few games I'm only 15 and therefore have to finance part-time jobs maybe 8 months but I will then be proud of me


Well then I would buy the PC like that. Instead of now one of the 4k can. Later the 4k cards will be available cheaper, if you can then retrofit them, you would save money.