Are gaming computers good for work / school?

- in Gaming

I was considering buying a gaming laptop to play Minecraft. The laptop currently has one of the best graphics cards on the market and is said to be good. Brand: MSI GS66. Is there a difference between gaming computers and "normal" computers? Or rather are gaming computers unsuitable for work / school?


So basically it is so that the new PC hardware is better than gaming laptop hardware, both of which you can use for school is a bit too much performance, so a little wasted money, but you can then easily use it for both.


But in general, what should I pay attention to when buying a computer?


On the whole, the hardware for your money what you pay for the PC is coordinated.


Thanks 😊


That you will not be deducted

inform yourself on yt with current videos


YT certainly does not have the right videos… They only advertise products from which they benefit


I also see it as I would go to your computer shop of your trust and let you put together an offer there and by that I do not mean mediamarkt xD but stop jmd who also takes a bit of money for advice then it is more expensive but perfect for you C