Does Planet Zoo run on this laptop?

- in Gaming

I got a gaming laptop for Christmas last year. One of the reasons was the game Planet Zoo. I was told in the shop that it would work, but I might have to play / down on the graphics setting. I now have the money for it.

Now I would like to ask specific questions again.

I'm not 100% sure that this is mine, I'm currently on the road and can't look up, but can jmd tell me whether it works?

Does Planet Zoo run on this laptop

I5… There's nothing going on


He runs on it. Smooth even with mediocre settings. I would not set the settings to max.


Thank you very much, I have already been warned. I just wanted to be sure.


But is the same with the minimum requirements?


Of course it runs on there. The GTX1650 is a good graphics card. If you want, you can (slightly) overclock them. The processor should do it too:-). That should work, at least on medium.


Thank you very much, that calms me down a lot!


This answer presumably assumes that (D) a notebook may still have a dual-core CPU declared as a mobile Core i5, which was also common in the past.

However, the i5-9300H or i7-9750H are true quad-core processors; however only with 2.4 or 2.6 GHz base clock frequency. (You can forget the turbo in notebook processors for gaming)

Thus, the books mentioned more or less just barely meet the minimum requirements, which particularly applies to the model with the i5-9300H.


The model with the Intel Core i7-9750H and 16 GB RAM could be enough to render this game reasonably smooth, at least with reduced resolution and reduced details.

You have to consider that we're talking about the minimum system requirements according to the manufacturer for this game, and a Core i5-2500 on the desktop with a base frequency of 3.3 GHz works on 4 cores.

The Core i7-9750H of the second of your notebook is a lot more modern than the minimally recommended i5-2500, but limited to a guaranteed base clock of 2.6 GHz due to its basic conditions, which are limited to low energy consumption. In the best case, that is just close to the 3.3 GHz of the i5-2500 in terms of computing power.

The gaming experience of the GeForce GTX 1650 of the two notebooks also at best "grows out" against the minimally required GeForce GTX 770. Sometimes the GTX 770, sometimes the GTX 1650 is a bit faster.

So all in all just "minimum" so that the game runs at all. (However, "liquid" is not yet mentioned)

Do you look here:

According to this, this game should not even run smoothly on a Core i7-4770 + Geforce GTX 1070.


Thank you very much, I'm talking about the first model. Will buy the game now and return it in case of an emergency if it doesn't work. You get your money back on Steam.


I would not buy it at first and wait for concrete benchmarks with different hardware constellations as well as the first performance patches.

Why bother with something now that could never really run smoothly? (I'm talking about the game)


I'm not angry about it. Either it works or it doesn't. I don't lose anything


Have bought now and it runs smoothly on high settings! Great game!