400 euro gaming laptop for work and League of Legends?

- in Gaming

Moin people,
I'm looking for a laptop that I can use to work (office management) as well as to play. I do not need a gaming pc because I have almost no time, but I'm often at the laptop. For the most part, I only play League of Legends so a laptop that would pack the game and work with it would be enough for me. My budget is 400 euro


Laptops or PCs are not chosen by brand, but by specifications. For 400 euro would be an i5 and an AMD / Geforce graphics card (no matter which) quite good. That's enough for everything.


With laptops for 400 euro you do not get a (good) graphics card

For personal computers only for the budget


For example this one here:


I would definitely use an AMD APU for the requirements, as there are a few models up to 400 euro


One can completely forget a gaming laptop in the budget.

That's just enough for an office laptop.


Unfortunately, no Windows here.

Cost around the 16 euro a Windows 10 license to get.

You can install it then via USB stick.

Through the Vega 8 is also LoL in it:
