Is this gaming laptop any good? CLEVO?

- in Gaming

Will play cod mw and warzone as well as gta 5 and so on.

Is that good for the price?


Gaming laptop and well do not go together. You always compromise, big compromises.

And for 1k? How good can that be?


In any case, he handles the games easily


For 1000 you will definitely get something better


Not with his claims. You can read that from the other questions he asked.


Not necessarily. You get a very good PC for 1K, but when it comes to laptops, that's "good" for the price.




Need a laptop for mobility. I have to sell my weaker PC


I only answer one question


I don't blame you for that either. The questioner is too brief here


Well, if there's no other way. Many people like to buy laptops and then just have them standing around at home.

In terms of values, it looks good.
So out of the gut, I'll say that it works well for your games.

If something is wrong with the box, you can return it within 14 days anyway. Enough time to put it through its paces. The right of return is fully on your side and you don't even have to give reasons.


Of course he's good, of course he's right. But is a laptop worth 1000 euro?! You would get so much more performance for a PC, if only because of the (possible) do-it-yourself construction. At the same time, you can generally expect less performance due to the heat development. For 1000 euro the laptop is good and you will be able to play COD, GTA and Co. With it.


Yes, I wouldn't even sell my PC to a buddy if my Wi-Fi would be good. I don't even have a mbit here and with the laptop I can easily go to a buddy with a backpack to download something. For a PC I need a monitor and power supply. I will connect the laptop to my monitor with a keyboard and mouse. We don't get better Wi-Fi either, unless the office area across from me gets fiber and we get one too.


Yes, I wouldn't even sell my weaker self-made PC to a buddy if my Wi-Fi would be good. I don't even have a mbit here and with the laptop I can easily go to a buddy with a backpack to download something. For a PC I need a monitor and power supply. I will connect the laptop to my monitor with a keyboard and mouse. We don't get better Wi-Fi either, unless the office area across from me gets fiber and we get one too.


That means every day I hope that there won't be a major update for a game, otherwise I can't gamble


For a notebook in the current market situation, it's good, but the brand doesn't tell me anything

Of course, a stand PC (tower) would make more sense. In terms of price, they are currently not that far apart because graphics cards are currently extremely expensive

The games you mentioned will definitely work


As I said, it is enough. You will never get the best P / L anyway, because you always have to compromise, even when building it yourself.


So if it's just about downloading, I would get a super cheap solution and then transfer the files to your (powerful) PC.

Unless you want to gamble directly with your buddy and often. But then I would almost think about setting up your PC there.

So if it's only about downloading, then buy an external disk (SSD) and use it to copy. Or get a big USB stick.

And if that doesn't work, then just use a billo notebook to load and transport the files.


In itself, I agree with you, but at the moment it is even a relatively good offer because graphics cards are so extremely expensive. I had been looking for notebooks his girlfriend for the last few days and have to say the offer is cheap for the current market situation


Then I have to pass everything over on the stick or something and wait that long again because the transfer takes so long, doesn't it? Where am I supposed to download the game to the ssd if I have such bad Wi-Fi? With the updates of the game things are going badly


Yes, GPUs are so expensive right now, so… Yes.


Well, USB 3.1 can see what it takes to copy 100GB.


I just googled the time the 1660 ti is between 450 and usury are liable to 600 euro that is really madness the sad thing is they find buyers


Where am I supposed to download the game to the ssd if I have such bad Wi-Fi? With the updates of the game things are going badly


But you have to consider that the GPUs in laptops have a lot less power.


You suck on your buddy.

Updates are usually not that big… If in doubt, also with him.

Yes… Not ideal.


This is not so much the case since the thousands of series from nvidia the differences are still there but not so great anymore


How should I download that from a buddy? They all have no PC and I have to log on to other PCs if I would do it that way. With cod the updates are around 250 MB which is not a problem but sometimes 17GB which I can load overnight. I still have a billo office laptop. But if there's another big update like 130gb now, how should I transfer the update from the laptop to my PC? That is not possible


External hard drive? Still cheaper than the gaming laptop and you can put the money into a gaming PC.


Well, what does "not so strong anymore" mean?

The lack of space and thus the temperature alone should make the same performance practically impossible. How close does a 1080TI in a laptop get to a 1080TI in a desktop PC?


Yes, but how do I get the update to the external one? I have to re-download everything on my laptop and then the full version is already on the laptop. It's all too complicated


You are wrong, but in the notebook there are usually only mid-range graphics cards installed and here we're around less than 10% loss of performance in your 1080er example it would be 9%, by the way, the 1080 ti never existed in the notebook area


Ah now I understand. Install the game on the external ssd on the laptop, connect it to the PC and play. Unplug the update and install it on a friend's laptop. Correct?


With the 1080 it is now a nice positive example, let's say around 15% loss of performance because as a guideline because there are also cards that lose more than 10% performance

Since you currently have to calculate that you will also save the purchase price of the monitor, so with a butget of 1000 euro, it would currently be tight with the 1660 ti with monitor alone for a 144hz IPs monitor you have to roughly say 200 euro take into account


Yes exactly


"You save the monitor".

I don't know if you can calculate it that way. The laptop also has a display. If that's worse than the 144Hz IPS panel, then the comparison over money is kind of strange. Then you buy a 60 euro monitor, which corresponds to the panel of the laptop, then you can compare it.

Or does someone really deny that you get more for your money with a desktop PC? Or let's put it another way, with a laptop you pay for mobility. Less power, but you can carry the thing around better.
So basically you don't get "more" with the PC, but something else.
If you only buy the gaming laptop because you have to transport it for downloads, then I think that's nonsense. You don't bring the mountain to the prophet either.


It also depends on the gaming platform. Then I would first have to install everything on the laptop and that takes a day if not more with friends.


It takes a day to install Steam?
Or do you mean install all of your games?

Then leave the computer running and go home, come back when it's finished.

You have the loading time either way, no matter how you solve it exactly.


I mean all of my games.


But you also have to install it on a new laptop.
Otherwise, if you already have it somewhere, copy it over. It works with Steam, and with others, too.


Sorry but now it will be Quark for 60 euro a comparable monitor with 144hz sorry but now I can no longer take your text seriously in the notebook is a full hd 144hz ips panel installed that you can't get in any monitor in the world for 60 euro that is now absolute nonsense

and yes IN THE TIME such a notebook is almost cheaper you seem to have hardly any idea or your knowledge to be very out of date on the subject of strong loss of performance compared to desktop card that was 4 years ago so also compare graphics cards that have never been in the notebook


Does it also work with Blizzard?


Now I don't understand anything anymore. What's going on here?


You don't understand what I'm saying I say the laptop can't keep up with the full blown desktop PC. You don't want to tell me that the panel is as great as the PC for 250 euro (screen price, not a whole computer).

But buy a laptop, I have several, there are use cases, of course. For me, gaming is only part of it in very special situations. I don't gamble on a laptop when I have a gaming PC next to it, why not?

that never existed in a notebook

There, too, I compare the desktop PC with the laptop. How can you not understand that? How can you go to individual GPUs, or prices? What is so hard to understand about it?


DomeLPs doesn't understand what it's about. Seems to have a certain narrative in mind and can't get over it.


You can also call it that when you actually have no idea about tooting and blowing yourself


What's going on, the guy has no idea on the one hand he would like to tell me about an extreme loss of performance that there was years ago for you here a video for the direct FPS comparison because he now thinks he has to lie to me, I have to be a bit more rugged now will

you can form your own opinion as I wrote 10-15% loss of performance


Unbelievable how can you defend that.

Your laptop has less performance than a desktop PC in the same price range. Live with it, you knew when you bought that thing. For that you got mobility - live with it too.

The Montitor argument is strange too. The monitor sticks nicely to the laptop and is nice and small. Great. Of course, it's cheaper than the large, free-standing panel. That you even want to gloss over it.

It's okay if you buy a gaming laptop. Of course you can have fun with it. But you should also be clear about what exactly you are buying.


There are drawbacks but they are of a lesser nature that most standard uses will never be noticed but a 60 euro cheap monitor can be compared with 144hz in a notebook? I see

Yes, we just talk something so to hide that one has no idea and has compared graphics cards that have never existed if you have that much idea you should know that there was never a 980ti mobile 1080ti mobile and also no 2080ti mobile

So let's go into the comparison 1080 and 1080 Mobile

where are the strong performance now here?


Yes, come on prove your statements anstadt just talk about it!

At the moment I get around 1000 euro with a comparable pc WITHOUT a monitor, which makes the notebook cheaper due to the CURRENT MARKET SITUATION

i never said that a notebook is better than a tower pc that you just pulled out of your fingers my dear stick to the facts!


I never said that a notebook is better than a tower pc

Would be strange too. You buy mobility at a price.

Of course you have disadvantages, you also have the advantage of mobility. Just the fact that you can't upgrade that much is a huge disadvantage. Just that the monitor sticks to the laptop. If you want that, please, that's what products are for.


No, you haven't, you either don't seem to be able to prove your statement or you don't seem to want to because you know yourself that it's nonsense

a 144hz panel remains a 144hz panel yes it has drawbacks but you have to see it in relatzon at the current price show me only one comparable setup with a 144hz monitor around 1000 euro in the current situation


The fact that you have to look down and that the panel is smaller is disadvantage enough.

But hey, who likes it and who sees it as an advantage… Here you go.


Of course, I'll give you the right upgrade (is also possible but only limited with very expensive devices) a stand pc will always be better in the long run, but in the short term in the price-performance comparison, unfortunately, at the disadvantage because now ramp prices are increasing and unfortunately will the prices will probably stay that way for a long time

Normally, with a 1000 euro tower, you would be able to use more power if we consider that a 1660ti would have cost less than 500 euro by far


The size is right there I agree but looking down Well that's really a question of the user's interligens so really put mouse and keyboard on and notebook higher so whoever sees that as an unsolvable problem, I'm really sorry


Okay, then we get along and agree on what you wrote. That works for me.

And I'm glad you see it that way and that it was just a misunderstanding.

And as I said, I've already gambled on laptops because the situation couldn't be any different. But that someone sits down in front of their laptop, at their desk and under there's the gaming PC - I find that hard to believe. Apart from the gaming PC, of course, it's an old turnip, but I'm not talking about that.

As far as the questioner is concerned, I just don't see that the gaming laptop is worthwhile if he doesn't want to gamble on the go, but only wants to update his games on the move (or completely). Basically, he just carries his GPU and his beautiful panel around and then plays at home.
When he is playing with his buddies, a completely different topic - it can of course make sense to carry around a gaming laptop.

@DomeLPs so you could also ask like this: Would it make sense for the questioner to buy a gaming laptop if he does not intend to gamble away from home, but only wants to download it from his buddy.


So we can stay. I wouldn't necessarily see this as a dispute, but rather as a heated discussion from which we both could take something away

I don't know anything about the fact that the questioner only wants to update games that was not in his question

Mobile gaming will always have its price, but it is currently more attractive than ever, at least in our country

In my home country I would have even recommended something completely different because it is much cheaper with us, there's much more data volume, among other things, there's also unlimited and every train offers free Wi-Fi

Do I personally see the future of mobile gaming even in GeForce now because it is significantly cheaper at 100 euro per year. Incidentally, I would be very interested in your opinion


I would connect the laptop to my monitor


I have only just seen what you wrote and what he wrote to you regarding the update with the SSD via another computer is completely correct, I just want to have said by. I was right I would sign that too


And then I tell you that you practically did not use the laptop monitor, but you paid for it. 15 "IPS panel which you don't need.

But yes, of course it is your decision. If it makes your life that much easier then go for it.


Which external ssd would you recommend to me?


Open up a new question for that I would say.

When it comes to SSDs, I have my own opinion and I think you are far better off with a publicly asked question and many answers.


OK. Is there also n video to be transferred to YT?


Find out how you can use an external disk.

I would refrain from "transferring" data. If possible I would try to leave everything on the external disk and also to play from it.

Always copying back and forth has the disadvantage that you have the hassle of copying.

Dragging the data from your buddy to the disk via USB 3.1 should be completely okay. 10 Gbit / s should be enough.

And the 10 Gbit / s should also be enough for gaming directly from the disk. Otherwise via external SATA connection (eSATA).

Find out beforehand what values and what loading times this will result and then decide what you want.

I would always use an SSD as a comparison value. And loading times of 20 seconds are bad if the SSD otherwise takes 15 seconds - you can then make such considerations.


Unfortunately I don't have a USB 3.1 port. Yes, I also planned to play the games on the SSD. I would stop playing on laptop on ssd, ssd when the download is finished and then plug it into the PC and choose the deposit from steam and to ssd where the games are on it. If it doesn't work after all, I'll just buy the laptop. Then I already have an external hard drive for the laptop because 512gb on the laptop will probably not be enough for me.


Edit: but I have USB 3.1 on the mainboard


Wonderful. You can play directly from an externally operated SSD and have no loading problems.

and choose the deposit from steam and to the ssd where the games are on it

Just like that.


Can I upload the games that are already on the PC to the external one or do I have to reinstall them on the laptop?


There's the possibility to postpone the games on Steam.

Just copying is not possible - that is, it is okay, but then you have to pay attention to a little more (copying a manifest, for example).

So if you move, then directly via the Steam client.


And how is it with rockstar launcher and battle net?


Do I then not have to download everything on the laptop?