Gaming laptop for 500 euro MAX?

- in Gaming

Seeking a gaming laptop for Max 500 euro he should be able to play GTA v in full HD middle settings!

Or should I buy a laptop and upgrade it?


With 500 toads you do not get a gaming laptop. For this amount, it might even be hard enough to make a corresponding tower (usually cheaper) together on their own…

Or should I buy a laptop and upgrade it?

No, with what money? You will not find a laptop for 500 Euro, which you can upgrade to a gamer box.


Or should I buy a laptop and upgrade it?

Upgrading is only possible with PC and reasonable.

And what clever you will never find for 500 euro, get maximum Intel HD Graphics or the Vega graphics unit from AMD, which is stronger but fun is here very limited.


Gaming laptops are more expensive than gaming PCs and you will not find a gaming laptop for the price. At most a low-end gaming PC. Why do you even want a laptop? Can't really be upgraded, heat development is strong. And I do not think you're out to play outside.


Look here:

and the beg. Can you even compare (there are other price ranges) …

e.g. Here:

(with a few strikes with the quality it is possible, but not for 24h / 7)


For a reasonably good gaming laptop, you have to spend at least 900 euro.

Or should I buy a laptop and upgrade it?

You can do that with a laptop. Especially since you would then exceed the 500 euro yet.

I would advise you, if it absolutely should be a Lappi, then save a little further, then you can at least later get something that can do a lot more than a game just to start good luck, with violent jerks or crashes.

Alternatively, of course, a PS4 or Xbox One would be very splendid. At least you do not need to pay attention to the hardware and the price would be suitable.