How should I improve my gaming setup?

- in Gaming

Hi. I would like to improve my setup. Not my laptop, mouse, keyboard or something, but something so that it just looks cooler. Who has ideas? Thanks in advance

How should I improve my gaming setup

Gaming setup where? First of all, the keyboard is bigger than the laptop and thus the display is also smaller than the keyboard, but to start with, I would advise you not to have a window above / next to a monitor, which only annoys the eyes if you want to continue using the laptop I recommend that you just buy a monitor so that you can easily close the laptop and it doesn't look so strange anymore, after that you can continue to see how your 'setup' is progressing, it looks like maybe a new mouse or something, but finally is that your decision


Led Stripes until the booth is full!


If your laptop ran out of an HDMI or display port, then maybe shoot a monitor and your laptop down there.

I think that would look nicer.


As a student, the person probably has little money. But in any case, I also think that a monitor is important and looks much better and is also more practical. Can you also buy used relatively cheaply, you don't have to have 4K


I can understand, to be honest, I don't have a 4k either, three monitors but I find 4k unnecessary for my purposes, for good 4k assemblies you can already buy one or the other usable cpu nowadays


Serious counter-question: Did you just happen to set up your PC and hide the monitor and then put a laptop there 😅

Otherwise everything looks ok, you can buy cool lettering like those from PS and use it as decoration.


What would the best monitor be? I have an intel core i 5 6200u with 8gb ram and my screen has 60hz. And no HDMI but only a vga connection


Well this is an xD laptop. If you don't want a PC, I would buy a monitor and connect it to the laptop to have a larger picture. As someone here said, it is unusual for the keyboard to be larger than the monitor.


So "the best monitor" at vga… Well… I would recommend this one to you: