Online exam with webcam monitoring?


I'll be writing an exam soon and wanted to know if someone has ever taken an online exam with video or webcam monitoring? How do you want to prevent that there's no cheating there?

Everything that is in the keyboard area of my laptop can't be seen or checked. For example, if I keep looking at my keyboard, is that cheating? Because for me, I can't look at the screen for long, so I have to look somewhere else every now and then.

Would like to know how this works. Who has already had such an exam?


With some you should show your room once that there's no other person there or that there are notes there, with others the microphone is left on all the time so that nothing can be spoken to you


That sounds interesting. Webcam surveillance? Do you MUST have your camera on? It's illegal. One shouldn't ask that of you!

Plus, this kind of control is stupid. You can google something at any time or play a previously recorded video via a virtual webcam and watch Netflix or whatever during the exam.


My face must be continuously visible during the exam via zoom, this should prevent you from looking at your notes. But I wonder how you can prevent that. You can only see my face and not my hands. And if I look elsewhere for a long time, how do you want to prove that I have looked at my notes, for example? Somehow find the whole thing not very logical.


You can refuse to show your face all the time. In Germany you can't be asked to do this if you are forced to take part in the event. Due to compulsory schooling, you are forced to go to school and therefore you must not be forced to turn on your webcam. This is against several laws.

And besides, like you said. This form of control is absolutely stupid. It just doesn't make sense. It is more psychological intimidation through control than actual control. Incidentally, that is also forbidden. As I said, it all violates many laws…

And yes, there are a thousand ways you can cheat anyway. Cheating is of course also prohibited.


Of course you can be asked to do that, it happens with every online exam. You are welcome to apply that to lessons, it is completely normal for exams. The examination conditions determine, and you are also happy to sign something. No problem at all, if you don't want to take the exam, you don't have to.


No, you can't ask for that… I'm a computer scientist and therefore know about data protection and media law etc. More than I care. You can't force students to turn on the camera…

It is only allowed for voluntary events to stipulate the conditions of participation that everyone must turn on the camera. Anyone who has a problem with turning the camera on does not take part.

School and exams for school are not voluntary. It can't be denied without substitution without being disadvantaged by it. So no such condition of participation may be made.


I just got it over with on Thursday. With us it was regulated in such a way that you were allowed to use the textbook and Google (since nobody can check whether you are doing this or not anyway), but there was not enough time to use it sensibly. What I mean by that is that we only had 60 minutes and there were 50 questions, so you have almost 1 minute per question, and for some questions you had to write a few sentences. In the end I only used the book for 2 questions and not Google at all. I found it actually solved quite well like that. We also had to keep the camera on constantly so that you could see that you weren't talking to anyone who was in the room. Everything was actually okay and I passed. So can't complain.