Word exam mode for exam?


Our class would like to write the next German exam on the laptop. For this we need a program that denies internet access. In other words, an examination mode like at geogebra. Everybody knows a program which one can install, with which one can deactivate certain functions and with which the teacher can monitor everything, so to speak. → Exam sticks are not an option…


Save exam browser or something. But you can still cheat with your cell phone or a cheat sheet.


They can't be monitored without intranet access… And a program with which you can switch on an examination mode is called "Classroom" and is only available for Apple devices. Private devices can't be monitored by the school.


Ok the monitoring isn't that important. The only thing we absolutely need is software that can be used to prohibit general internet access for a certain period of time. By the way, the exam is not written at home but in class