How long does a laptop last if used unevenly?


I bought my laptop during the summer vacation because my old one, since I had nothing better to do (cough) during the corona vacation and I overloaded it, I'm afraid that it will only last for 2 years. During the holidays it is mostly (not always but mostly) that I use it very often during the day (up to 5-8 hours approx). I always have a bad feeling about it, hence this question. During school I use it (mostly and if at all) a maximum of 1-2 hours and on weekends a maximum of 3-4. I have a guilty conscience, can someone tell me how long it can hold out with such use? Would then reduce the use.


When used, usually 5 years and actually more than 10.

Probably the first thing to do is to break the battery, you have to buy a replacement.


In the end it all depends on the laptop itself.

A decent laptop should last 5 years with 8-10 hours of daily work.