Notebook lag due to charging cable?

- in HP

Yes, I know the heading sounds pointless but listen to me xD

I have a notebook from HP on which I play games that are not graphically demanding and that works quite well. However, every now and then I have "lags" for about 10 seconds. So almost still images, I can still move with a few FPS and the sound is so "robot-like" if you know what I mean.

I found out yesterday that if I pull out the charging cable in such a lag, it is over immediately xD.

If I let it out right away, the lag will come anyway, so this "charging cable connected / disconnected" mechanism seems to be doing something.

Is this a known problem? Is it possible to completely prevent these lags somehow?


Doesn't sound really familiar to me, but what can happen is that your CPU or battery is getting too warm and the laptop is therefore significantly reducing its performance. When you pull out the cable, the battery is no longer charged and therefore cools down significantly. Just try to pay attention to the temperature when such lags occur and only plug in the laptop when the battery is running out.


I'll try everything, thank you