Load laptop several times a day or rather leave it on the net?

- in HP

I have a relatively new hp laptop and use USB to play music making an external sound card powered by the battery. The battery life without sound card is about 8 hours, but only 2-3. My question is now, should I leave the charging cable at 100% just leave and run on AC power, or should I discharge the battery at 100% and recharge at about 15%? By doing so, I load and unload it several times a day, which is supposed to be harmful. But it should also be harmful not to discharge the battery by keeping it connected to the mains all the time. How often should I discharge and recharge my battery?


Take out the battery and leave the laptop on the net.


I have the battery in my Sony, and almost always the charging cable off, when I'm at home. Battery condition excellent, he tells me at regular intervals ;-)


Either that, that would be the healthiest or if you have one of the ultramodern zugeklebten, then always load up to 70% and then put out again and wait 30% then again bsi 70% that is the healthiest. If you're a real professional, just take a timer that goes on and off every half an hour, and so on, or download a program that warns you of under 30 and over 70.
If this is too complicated for you then just leave it and let it load permanently. Is not the best for a battery but not the worst


I have never thought of that! But then again the problem with storage arises when I do not need it for months


Are not the Chargers so intelegent they can do that. Also have a laptop where the charger is constantly plugged. Is now 3 years old and the battery is broken. Can only use it for 30-45 minutes.


If you spread the nonsense then I ask for the exact cell voltage when a laptop says it is at 30% and 70% or the end of charge voltage when the laptop says the battery is full.

A Lithium Battery Ante from manufacturing, no matter what you do it gets old and loses capacity, which can only be delayed if anything.


Storage = do not fully recharge the battery and every few months it does not look less than 50%


Clear Chargers are "smart" just to not overcharge the battery which usually does not make the power adapter but rather the charge controller in the laptop.

The controller charges the battery anyway to 100% who wants to go with 70%? When I'm on the road 100% makes the most sense

And that is a battery after 3 years, is very possible. This does not necessarily have anything to do with the care, a battery keeps nunmal not forever



And what should the persons with the cell voltage? Do you think they tear the bonded battery apart to measure the cell voltage and decide if it can still be charged a bit?

And besides, the cell voltages are calculated differently depending on the charge / discharge controller. Some are cautious and others always overcharge the batteries a bit


If you can take out the battery, then do it or charge the battery to 60% and let it stand, the standby current is very low, so that the battery should not discharge too much and for months now means maybe half a year


Thank you, it means "the battery" short form of accumulator.


I know, I'm only prescribed, because I wanted to formulate the sentence in another way