Learn nothing in training, watch YouTube all day?


EtI have been doing an apprenticeship as an insurance clerk for half a year after I have finished high school, but I have nothing to do all day long and my boss takes no care of me. He is only half a day, if at all, there & then I can print something out or do his dirty work like sorting lists, writing log books, etc. I sit with him in an office. I learn very easily, I'm very interested and I have great Grades so it would be totally easy to give me challenging tasks & teach myself new things, but instead of getting work I sit there 7 hours a day without work. When I'm alone I watch YouTube or something so that the time passes, when he is there he rarely gives me work because I have to calmly work on the laptop. I still despair here, I'm so bored & I feel so unnecessary. I'm actually a very positive person, I like to get up in the morning & enjoy every day but since I have been working here I hate every day & I'm always in a bad mood. I would love to do something meaningful with my time & learn something. Apparently everyone doesn't care that I just sit around and can't do anything. What should I do? Would like to quit, I hate it here, many colleagues are terrible & disrespectful, have been harassed many times & there have been lewd comments about me. But I don't really want to drop out of the training, but doing 7 hours is terrible


At the beginning it was similar for me, then in the '' free '' time I started to look at and understand the procedures and processes as well as our products in the company.

Resp. I used the time to continue my education, so to speak, after my boss noticed that I was interested in doing more and also able to do so, he also gave me more.

But it is certainly not the point and purpose of the matter.


Come on now It won't be that bad. So you do "dirty work" like sorting lists and writing log books? Hi there? You are a trainee. Something is part of it…

maybe you are looking for a job yourself. Very clever that you only come to deal with YouTube. I have to say…

ask for. Watch the colleagues

I don't really believe that with the annoyances. What do these annoyances look like? Are you being asked if you can do anything other than watch YouTube? I also don't quite believe that others are disrespectful to you. Because with respect. Your text here doesn't sound very respectful either


Ask a colleague if you can look over his shoulder and he might be able to explain something to you quietly.
If you notice that you are interested and also do dirty work without a comment, they will surely be happy to show you more and do more.
however, it does not go unnoticed if you are only on the Internet. And hardly anyone wants to explain something to someone who does not seem to be interested at all.

And just speak to your boss, please talk to him.


Then try carefully to have a conversation with the boss, in which you describe the facts and point out the expected deficits that you will have in the exam. Maybe he can select a qualified person who will then take on your training and your boss will then carry out the learning progress control.

Build him a "bridge" that leads from his failure to a happy ending.


I mean that nobody teaches me anything. Not even the basics, I can do almost nothing in my job. Of course, such work is not only something like that + it is also one hour a week.

I tidy everything up in the entire office, take care of the dishwasher, things like that + I also take care of my private fitness training clients, since I'm a private trainer. I practice work that somebody should actually teach me, but I have none to help me. I'm running out of things to do.

I was asked on the very first day of my apprenticeship whether I was still a virgin, which made me feel very uncomfortable right from the start. Everyone is hitting on me, average age of men here: 50. I feel like an object that is only for looking good in the company so the men have fun.

I'm always blamed for everything that goes wrong, even if I have nothing to do with it. Cry very often when I come home because I feel so uncomfortable in my company.


I'm already helping all colleagues at the office, but the apprentices only seem annoying to everyone. Nobody really wants to help. I also ask a lot when I have something to do, but my boss always behaves as if I'm annoying him with it, even though I only ask for something. I also ask if I can help, but there's always a no even though there's a lot of work to do. Mainly because nobody learns what I can and I can hardly help even though I try again and again. Really don't know what I'm doing wrong, I'm very interested in everything & you can tell, hang me fully into every job


Aren't you going to your colleagues on your own and asking? And sorry. If it really is all that bad for you. Why have you been there for half a year and haven't turned around on the spot? Your private fitness training customers have lost nothing in their work. With that you shoot yourself in the knee.


Yes I ask many, but somehow you are only perceived as annoying if you ask. I only do the private things when I'm alone, I just have nothing else to do. Not even "dirty work", really just sitting there senseless most of the day


& I don't want to drop out of my training, that's why I'm still there


WHY have you been doing this for half a year? I don't feel like you want to change anything. Quit and look for something else ---- oh now I'm reading this first. You don't want to cancel. Yes sorry girl. Then you can't be helped either. Then you don't have to scold


I don't find anything new in the middle of the year, quitting now would be stupid and I would have no income. I was brought up to not give up things immediately & don't want to waste a year. But you're right, I should go, but I'm afraid I won't find anything better


Of course, you should first look for something else and then quit… But as it is now, it can't go on now… I'm reading, you want to do an online training in the sport… Let this online nonsense and search for yourself something reasonable.


I do that too, but suffering from insurance matters is very difficult with all the programs & nobody explains what, I can't even make simple applications or anything because as soon as I ask if I don't know something, I will be labeled stupid & annoying


Thank you, I'm very afraid to speak to someone from the company because everyone is very tense and unfriendly. I'm afraid that if I express criticism, I will only make myself unpopular


It really can't be, next time I would ask how you should know this, that's why you're asking someone.

In addition, I would at best turn in your parents and arrange a conversation with the boss.


I will definitely think of a cancellation again, thanks! The apprenticeship is great, it is a certified distance learning course. Distance learning must go through online courses.


Ok, I was not aware that the online courses are a must. All the best for you


My parents know about it & we try to solve the whole thing, but I'm afraid that if we express criticism the situation will get worse because my colleagues are all pretty tense & quickly snapped & I have to share the office with my boss.


Thanks for the advice


First of all… You will have to look for the conversation or the conflict, otherwise nothing will change.

I do not understand companies that hire trainees and are then not taught anything.

Of course you also do activities that are not part of the profession or are boring etc., but after half a year you have to convey the knowledge associated with the job description.

My buddy has been doing the same training (at HuK) in a medium-sized company since August. He has been to some training sessions and is doing well, he says.

There's a training framework plan. You should have been given this. If not, have a look online.

What do you write in your report books? How do you want to pass the exam if you lack the theory?

Honestly… That doesn't help. Call the IHK and tell them. There are training assistants who are there especially for such situations.

Either they talk to you with the boss and the apprenticeship is finally done properly or you can be helped to continue the apprenticeship in another company.

Either way, fight for yourself and your right to a reasonable education!


Thank you! I don't have a report book or anything, only in seminars that is entered but otherwise there's no such thing with us.


But a report book must be kept!



None of my colleagues has anything like that & we were never told.


Everyone has to do it! Ask in the company!