SSD is not recognized by the kali installer?

- in HP

I bought an HP Envy 13 ba laptop to install Kali on it. I downloaded the appropriate ISO and made a bootable USB stick with Rufus. If I now start the installer and work my way through the hard drive (in my case it should be an intel optane 500gb ssd) on which kali is installed, I only see the usb stick and not my ssd. Of course I can't install kali on the stick because the stick carries the installer… Does anyone have a solution how to make the optane ssd recognizable? LG - Tim


Have you already tried another installer? (for example windows or linux ubuntu installer). Is the disk recognized elsewhere?
I recommend you format the ssd, for example with diskpart on the cmd under the windows repair tools (short stick with win iso create and start repair tools> cmd> format ssd cleanly via diskpart). Then try again with kali installer and see if your disk is recognized.

otherwise try to create a different boot medium


I already thought that, but the laptop only has an ssd so I can't format it because windows is installed there and outside of windows I have no way to format this ssd LG


Outside of Windows you can very well format the ssd. For example, with a prepared stick that can start the Windows Installer bootable.

From there you can enterder: Format the SSD using the regular Windows setup

Or: Format commands via CMD in the advanced tools via Diskpart