File format for photos?

- in HP

I have a little problem there… I've been collecting quite a few pictures (especially screenshots) on my phone lately and since that takes up a lot of storage space I wanted to decide which ones to delete and which ones I want to keep. For a better overview, I wanted to do this on my laptop. This is one of the hp brand and from 2019 I think… (I don't know me from sry) So I connected my cell phone to the laptop via a USB cable and everything went well. I've been deleting screenshots for an hour now… Suddenly I'm only shown that the file format is probably not supported. Even with screenshots that I had already opened, that's no longer possible. There's no one there to ask and unfortunately I have absolutely no idea about computers and such… How can that be and what can I do about it?


Maybe you clicked on a file that is not a picture at all, e.g. "Index.htm".
Another question, why do you delete it on the PC and not directly from the cell phone?


You could start by giving us the file format here. If it is not shown to you directly on the laptop in Explorer as a file extension, then change this in the display options of the Explorer and check the "File name extensions" box.


So there's PNG file


PNG is a common image format. There shouldn't be any problems with that.


1. I don't think so

2. My cell phone hangs frequently and my eyes hurt from the small screen (I know I'm a wimp haha)


Thanks, maybe it will work again who knows xD


By the way, in your question you did not make it clear whether this error message appeared on the laptop or the mobile phone. It is quite possible that the cell phone can't cope with PNGs.


Upsi, was with the laptop