Where can you get controllers for WMR?

- in HP

I'm currently looking for a relatively cheap VR headset. The Wondows Mixed Reality devices came to my mind, unfortunately there are currently only overpriced offers. On ebay you will quickly find what you are looking for, but the controllers are missing everywhere… So my question where can I get such controllers for the Samsung Odyssey plus, the hp vr1000 or the acer ah101? Or can I easily pair Vive or Rift / Quest Controller with it?


At the manufacturer pages? Or on ebay?

no that is not possible because the tracking system is different.


The manufacturers only offer complete systems, but they are either all sold out or suddenly cost twice (Lenovo Explorer new for 400 instead of 200 euro) on ebay I only found the VR glasses, apparently nobody wanted to sell Conttoller…