Legal consequences in case of property damage?

- in HP

Net community,

I have accidentally damaged the laptop of someone I do not like. Result: Small crack in the display top right, but not visible, if you do not look exactly. Now said person wanted money for a repair. 335 euro display repair HP laptop. Said, paid. But now I have the following problem: He has not spent the money for a repair. Because I feel like fooled and want to know what other options I have, because I do not want him just 335 euro throw in the throat. Please simple options, without suing, I'm only 15.


He does not have to have the part repaired but is entitled to compensation. However, if he does not have it repaired, he is not entitled to VAT, which was included in the estimate. That should probably be 19%. You can deduct from the 335 euro.


You should have paid only after you have received a quote or an invoice - you can't force him to do the repair now because he has suffered the damage.

But reclaim the VAT

Do your parents have no liability insurance? That would have taken the damage


"But to reclaim the VAT"

I would do that if the questioner is only "one wipe out".


However, it has less to do with "wiping out" - VAT is only payable if a service, etc. Actually adds value and must be paid off

Also, insurance companies pay in the presence of a cost estimate only the sum excluding VAT and this only if a repair invoice is present


I have accidentally damaged the laptop of someone I do not like.

Then it is not a damage to property, because that requires the intent. Was so free to remove the question day.

He did not spend the money for a repair.

He does not have to. The fun is called compensation, not repair costs (§§ 823, 828, 254 BGB). No one is obliged to have damages repaired by a third party.

If someone drives me in the cart, but this is still roadworthy and roadworthy and I find bumps in the car cool, I drive around with bumps in the car. The damage must compensate me nevertheless the injuring party (here his motor vehicle liability).

Because I feel like fooled and want to know what other options I have, because I do not want him just 335 euro throw in the throat.

If he does not get repaired, you can claim a maximum of 19% (53.49 euro), otherwise you are unlucky.

Please simple options, without suing, I'm only 15.

Soon you will give such a case of personal liability insurance and do not pay just like an ox, your laboriously saved / earned money.

Your parents should have one in which you would be insured. It checks the case, pays legitimate claims and fends off unauthorized persons. If you have no, you have bad luck again and you would have lost control of your life.


Why are you insulting the user and removing random tags? The extra tags do not hurt. Come down a bit before answering. This is not your personal vendetta.


Why are you insulting the user

I do not, I criticize a certain behavior by comparison.

If you find an insult in the text, I have to question your language skills.

and remove random tags?

Because I can and tags that have nothing to do with the question, just make sure that the question appears to experts on topics in the feed that may say nothing.

For example, Do I have "football" in my subjects? Do you know how many Spackos are tagging for a question about FIFA football? Totally annoying.

Come down a bit before answering. This is not your personal vendetta.

And now?

My answer was correct, accurate and filed with legal sources. If you disagree or think I have forgotten something, fill it in, by commenting and not bothering with my form.

Here from 1:15: