My laptop does not want to load web pages?


I have a Thinkpat t61 with windows 7 pro

In all webbrosern do not want to load pages it always comes This server is not available.

Hope you can help me

Thanks in advance.

LG KevLukas

My laptop does not want to load web pages

Are you in a corporate network or at home?

When did the page last work?
Does the error also occur with other programs?

Internet available?


How do you go to the internet with your laptop?

Have you checked if the wireless connection is turned on?


Yes in almost all programs on the laptop

Everything worked 2 days ago


What with almost all programs on the laptop? Does not work or work?


In almost all programs is


Which is not?


I do not think your laptop has a will. You do not need to send pictures to prove something. If pictures please then which are the more informative.

Start a command line. Enter: ipconfig. If you do not understand the result, take a screenshot (without a cell phone) and set this here or report what is there to read.