How can I switch off the touchscreen on my laptop when the keyboard is folded back so __I?


On my laptop, the keyboard can be folded back so that the computer stands like this: __I Unfortunately, the computer then automatically switches to touchscreen, even if I have switched off the touchscreen. But I want it to stay on the keyboard and the touchscreen to be off. My aim is to be able to turn on videos of mice for my cats. When the touchscreen or keyboard is on, my cats close the video again immediately and viewing is not possible. How can I make the computer safe for cats, i.e. Turn off the touchscreen, even though the keyboard is folded back? Or alternatively the keyboard folded forward, but both keyboard and touchscreen off?


Isn't there an extra button for it? So FN + still any F key? E.g. FN + F11


You have to see such a small symbol. So feel something at the F


Yes, I can turn off the touchscreen when the keyboard is facing forward. The problem is, as soon as I tilt the keyboard back, the keyboard automatically turns off and the touchscreen turns on again. So I ask if I can somehow turn it off, so that the touchscreen is on automatically when the keyboard is folded back. Or that both are over.