I keep getting back pain from sitting, whether long or short, what can I do about it?


I made a little corner in my room with a table and an extremely comfortable chair, but the problem is I can't sit on it for more than 2 or 3 hours without getting this really annoying back pain. It was the same at school, which I recently attended regularly. The first two hours are not a problem, with the third and fourth there's already slight back pain and from the fifth and sixth hour it becomes really uncomfortable. After that I always drove home and had to lie down for 1 to 2 hours until the pain slowly reduced. After that everything is OK, but when you sit down for an hour the back pain comes back. I didn't have these problems over a year ago, for example, because I was able to endure school up to the eighth hour without any problems and after that I didn't feel any back pain - and all those years before that, not at school. I wouldn't necessarily put it on my weight, I currently weigh 130KG, but I had the problems last year, e.g. Not when I still weighed 165KG +. Actually, it wouldn't bother me very much if I didn't get a high pulse while lying down (with back pain) and slight circulatory problems such as heart palpitations, which only occur for a short time, but occur at all.

I don't know if it will be because of that, but since Corona (i.e. At the beginning of April 2020) I have been mostly only at home and have been lying on my back. You couldn't do anything, I barely moved, just lay around at home and gambled on my laptop. Last year it was like that, but this year it's still like that - the only difference is that I leave the house more regularly and take walks - which, by the way, also end (after 2 hours) with back pain. I have the suspicion that my back muscles may have weakened extremely and that is why this pain occurs. If so, could you "just" fix this problem by forcing yourself into the gym and exercising your back? Or am I looking at it too simply and the problem could be bigger than I imagine?


Have your intervertebral disc examined and, if necessary, prescribe a massage.

You also need exercise.

Start walking for half an hour a day, but don't jog or run.


Go to the orthopedic surgeon and have it examined, maybe it's due to the intervertebral discs or there's tension. Physiotherapy helps and osteopathy. And of course exercise regularly, even if it's only 30 minutes a day to walk.


I have the suspicion that my back muscles may have weakened extremely and that is why this pain occurs.

That's the way it is! By lying down and lack of exercise, you have lost muscles.

A visit to the fitness studio makes sense. Especially because you will also be advised there.


if I would not get a high pulse while lying down (with back pain) and have slight circulatory problems such as heart palpitations,

That sounds like low blood pressure. You tend to have a "normal" tendency towards increased blood pressure, but the lack of exercise can cause it to drop sharply.

In any case, let it be clarified. All the best!


Thank you for your review. 👍🏼


Unfortunately, running is very difficult because the weight is extremely heavy on the shin. I recently ran for 5-6 minutes in a row and had such a strong pulse that I would have loved to lie down in the middle of the street. If I had to guess now it felt like something between 120-140. And by the way, my shin was so bad the next day that I didn't want to move anymore. So I want to stay away from this type of sport for now until I have reached a more appropriate weight for this activity. Anyway, thanks for the comment!


I can understand that. Try the interval diet. Is very effective.


Why do back pain arise from sitting and what can be done about it?

Maybe consult an ortophist if that doesn't change.