CPU utilization by browser after booting at 100%?


For a few days I have had the problem with my laptop (Win 10) that the fan runs at full throttle immediately after booting, before I have even done / started anything. In the Task Manager you can see that Firefox allows itself so much CPU power that the utilization is 100%. I don't even have the browser open yet. Yesterday I uninstalled Firefox and tried Chrome. Exactly the same thing happens with Chrome.

Can someone help me fix the problem?

Seems to be a virus or something similar: /

CPU utilization by browser after booting at 100

Reset device.


Immediately after starting, your computer starts all kinds of programs that run in the background.

He does this either because they are needed permanently, or because they should be ready, like Firefox, so that they open quickly when you click on them.

You can of course prevent this in Firefox, but then it will probably take a minute each time it is opened.


Hihi at the comment I had to laugh like that xD Sometimes I'm an IT supporter and that's my first question every time: the corresponding devices already booted? Otherwise don't call again ^^


Sounds like a crypto miner, let programs like adwcleaner run over it