90-100% CPU utilization Despite temperatures up to only 75 ° C?


I recently got War Zone on my laptop. But there was the problem that my CPU utilization at low and medium settings is 90-100%, whereby I have a maximum temperature of 75 ° C which should actually be higher with such an utilization. I couldn't find thermal throttling either. GPU usage was ok. I don't have such problems with other games. The download of War Zone also strangely took about 2 hours with good internet.

My specs

i5 9300h

GTX 1650



It's good that the CPU is not slowed down by heat. It's just at the limit.


Be happy that there are only so few ° C. ^^


But always the same load of 100% at low settings?


Isn't that something unusual


The more FPS you have, the more the CPU is used. Set everything to the highest graphics settings and then you will see how the load goes down.


It's clear: the CPU is your bottleneck

Other games are probably not so demanding on the CPU, which is why it wasn't noticed.

Longer download times can also come from a slower server, which has nothing to say.

And the low temperature suggests good cooling, or the GPU has a significant influence on the temperature, which mostly depends on the same heat sink. I wouldn't make anything dependent on that either.


But that shouldn't be normal, usually with Wolfenstein Young Blood I have up to 70% load on medium to high settings.


Very normal. This is not a strong CPU with a high TDP.


I actually expected from a laptop that it was put together in such a way that there would be no bottleneck, well that's it


How do you get the idea?

this is not possible at all, since each program has different requirements
The hardware in notebooks must always be slimmed down, even if normal desktop CPUs are installed in such huge battleship "notebooks", which are then capped.

Most of the time you hang in notebooks in the temp limit or power limit, but if you turn the graphics requirements down completely, it is clear that the GPU has nothing to do and the CPU sets the speed.

Apart from that, there's no PC that does not have a bottleneck, there's always a bottleneck, otherwise the PC would be infinitely fast.
I rather think that you didn't quite understand what the occupancy means at all.


Yes, it is normal, because then the PC is stuck in another limit, such as GPU because the graphics settings are higher.