Use less mobile but how?


I had my phone out for a week and it was not a problem, I was more productive and laid back. Except for a few small things, such as. With homework or in the classroom I would sometimes have needed my cell phone or important things that you need to clarify on What's App, because it does not work in school.

But actually, I do not want to be on What's app anymore and I do not want to have to carry my phone anywhere (like to school). I thought about taking my laptop with me, but it is also quite big and heavy and always dependent on Wi-Fi. Or cell phone times.

Do you have ideas? Also concrete when it comes to mobile times?


1.Handy take

2. Open the window

3. Throw the phone out of the window

4. Enjoy new life


Nowadays you need mobile phones that are like a second brain (for some the only one)


There are watches because you do not need a mobile phone!


5. Close window again in case of rain or cold