Transfer iPhone Pictures to PC - Less Memory Than Before?


I just connected my iPhone to my laptop and then wanted to "import pictures and videos" by right-clicking on the automatically recognized mobile phone.

I did this and waited for everything, afterwards I had all the pictures and videos on the laptop - BUT I have LESS storage space on my mobile phone than before. Before importing it had about 7 GB left and now only 1.5 GB.

I had actually expected that all the pictures I transferred would be deleted directly from the cell phone, but that was not the case.

What happened now? What do I have to do to get all the memory back? I hope someone can help me, I really don't know what to do next.


I prefer to do it manually, you may now have pictures from your PC on your iPhone.


How do you do that manually? I googled how to transfer pictures and videos and there was only this way. : /


In Windows and OS X, select the iPhone LW with Explorer or Finder, then look in the dcim directory.

That stands for digital camera images.